Also, @pnosker. I know the multipool has an OBA function to try to buy coins on the cheap for the multipool users but what about modifying the multipool payout formula where a full 25% of all multipool profits are reserved for low ball limit buy orders (-30% through -50%) on the market. For example, on this latest dump to 28000, if 25% of the multipool funds had been reserved, then the multipool could have made some amazing buys at a 40% discount which would then have been a huge boon to the multipool miners and at the same time it makes the coin price more stable.
It would also give yet another strong incentive for everyone to point their miners to the Vericoin multipool because they know that they will be leveraging their mining profits by always getting cheap coins on any short term dumps.
What do you guys think?
Good suggestion. We already do have a limit but don't want to disclose as that could make it easy to take advantage of. The VeriPool OBA made several buys in the 28000-31000 region and people should get some pretty good payouts within the next few days from that.