I watched the Google hangout guateque.
The usual insufferable, geeky, inevitable stuff, of course, presented in a very amateurish way, also inevitably (growing pains) and, other than Joel Bosch's part, all fluff and no substance of any kind. Absolutely nothing that wasn't already well known by anyone that has read the OP here. OK, so almost and hour and a half pretty wasted, but it is a first and some leeway is due. I'm sure the ones that will follow will be much more streamlined and purposeful.
The price of admission though was merited by the brief intervention by Bosh. He brought in some theoretical big guns. Of particular interest the Latino angle. Interesting, indeed. A lot of promises. Bristol, Granda Ent... well, not top of the pops but something... potentially. And who is to argue with FREE, right? Not me, no sir. Joel will pay Bristol out of his own pocket. Not only that, he will bring in to Miami the Devs and, seemingly, celebrities that will be attending his "Vericoin presentation party" from all over the world. With music that will sponsor the coin -not the other way around- to boot. Again, out of his own pocket. CNN, MSN and regular media galore in tow... and all out of his own pocket... just how dip is that pocket? Of course nothing is going to be even remotely similar, in reality, to what Joel envisions, not even close, but still the bill is going to be of quite some significance, even at the minimums. Several tens of thousand dollars, at the very least. All out of his pocket. Deep pocket indeed. One has to wonder how is it possible that such deep pockets may have grown of selling Mac parts and computer repair from an obscure shop in Miami, but let's not go too deep into that, not necessary. What's necessary is to know the big question: Why? What's in it for me?. Joel, all honesty of him, spoke of a personal investment of him in VRC of "One thousand, two thousand, maybe 20 thousand or whatever..." seemingly giving not even a consideration to money, like money is of no significance, it's the idea that moves the man. A family man, as we heard. Except that family men have as their primary obligation, providing for their families. Much as I tried, I couldn't figure that angle myself. All along I felt I was about to hear that it was "going to be huge" and the bald head all of a sudden morphing into Donald Trump's tupee... but no, just "great". Or "cool". And, of course, by Joel and Patrick, that this "was going to be worth much more in time". Not for a single moment, there was any mention of "we are going to be rich", nothing of that short. As a matter of fact, the whole thing was kind of like a series of likeminded Evangelist pastors on TV just asking for donations... while hating it. And promising great future value for it.
At one point, during the akward silences, it seemed inevitable that someone would volunteer something. Douglas seemed the one more on the ball for a while so I was hoping he would volunteer something like "we, the three devs, have come out fully. Everyone knows who we are now, let them know also why we are doing this, really. Or also. We own 10% 20% of all Vericoin there are out there. Like any investors, with the success of Vericoin that we envision, we are going to be rich. So can you, invest in it. Invest in it like Joel and his friends have done. How much have you personally invested, Joel?". But no, that wasn't Dateline, of course. It was just a hangout full of inane BS and the selling of the pen. It was weird, like everyone was asking mentally those questions but none would come forward with it, hoping that looking like moronic nerds would distract the evident question and make the "curiosity" disappear.
OK, clearly, so there's no ambiguity:
Joel Bosch: How many VRC have you bought so far and, after your dump 3 days ago, how much you still have left? I can pose the question to you in perfect Spanish if you have any difficulty in understanding it, ok?
Devs, the three of you, how many coins do you still own after the logical sells of 3 days ago?
These are the ONLY relevant questions. And it takes less than 20 seconds per, to answer, even if adding comments. You DO know that the 4 of you are US citizens and subject to IRS rules, so not only your income and assets are going to be investigated come April but will also be public knowledge, so there's no point in pretending to hide what will be public in a few months, is there?
Joel, I know you are on a mission now that your ex-pals at BC (you know what I know of them, right?) are not so amicable any longer, right? You are going to prove to them that your rolodex is pure gold -not really, you are going to face quite a few disappointments, sorry, but I don't want to rain on your parade just yet-, but besides that I know you don't have 50-80K US hanging around wanting to be blown with nothing but a few pictures on a red carpet to show for it, so again, Cuantos VRC has comprado y cuantos te quedan tras los que vendiste hace tres dias?
Now are these questions that difficult to answer? You guys are transparent, right?