@GiftEncounter I already pointed out the lack of substance in your claims and the flaw in the whole 'TA' shtick, namely, by citing Chaos Theory and pointing out how your TA 'predictions' are akin to Astrology because, well, they are.
Getting it right for a percentage of the time is no different to everyone else here who does also. Only most don't go around posting graphs with wiggly lines and ad-hoc-ergo-propter-hoc logical fallacies in order to pretend that they have a deeper understanding of wiggly line and graph pattern shapes that predict, well, what do they predict? Really?
The market changes for an extremely wide variety of reasons and humans have an inherent fault of seeing patterns in everything because that's how our brain is wired. It does not equate to those patterns actually being representative of predictive outcomes, only proven pasts.
There are too many kids in crypto and they will be so much more in the future. When i read some of the posts in here and see cars, yachts and big dreams mentioned, they give me the impression that the coin is snake oil. I have respect for Vericoin, but it makes me sick when i see people blindly kissing devs asses (happens on every coin) and all they post is Moon and Buy Buy without having any clue of the technology used in this cryptocurrency. Oh, and they will hate you if you dare to post a legitimate question or if you have doubts and criticize a little.
Everyone has an opinion. If the coin is down, it was a pump and dump. If it's up, then it was a natural growth. When the coin is going down constantly, it means that the whales are keeping it down while accumulating. Maybe Fontas, Maybe Wolong. Everyone has a conspiracy theory. They post fancy charts with stupid predictions, when in fact they play 6/49 lottery when it comes to day trading. Too bad i don't have an insane amount of coins just to dump on their assess and then make them read the graphs/charts again.
You understand charts / graphs are the essense of whats happening in the market? an RSI tells you how many people are buying / selling and to what ratio.
Now that big buy was nice, but it wasn't confirming anything other than an impatient person reacting to old news?
Anyways. I got a feeling the trend will take us to support and then back up, its a good thing. You want to take breathers on the way up so you don't have an elevator down.
Stairs up, elevator down.