I have "Spendable" Vericoin shown in my wallet, but am unsure of how to make my coins begin to "stake". They have been in my wallet for about 24 hours. Do I need to do something in order to allow the coins for staking? I show 14 active connections to the Vericoin network and when I hover my mouse over the logo in the bottom right corner of wallet I am told:
Network interest rate is: 2.13923%
Network stake is: *******
Expected time to earn interest is: 8 hours
Are my coins currently considered "staked"? I show zero in "Stake:" in the top left corner of the wallet. and show all my coins in the "Spendable:...."
Also in order for coins to be staked must they be left on the open wallet on a computer harddrive or will they stake when left in cold storage as well (from what I understand they do not)? I'm new to the whole staking technology and am just trying to get a grasp & fully understand. I have read the entire forum here as well as other places, but was unable to answer my questions so I figured I'd resort to asking.
Also once coins are "staked" how long does it take for them to become "spendable" again. I'm failing to grasp what "staking" actually does for the coin. Is it setting our coins aside to be used by the system in some way?
I would really appreciate someone to explain a little in detail "staking" to a newb. I appreciate any and all answers or help I may receive ahead of time!
Staking gets you a percentage of interest that is variable depending of what you hold. You need to have the coins in your running wallet for half a day or so before they begin to generate interest.
The wallet must be up and running. The more coins you hold, more is to stake, therefore bigger the interest.
Payouts occur once in a while, few times a day - keep in mind what you stake dictates interest payouts - and you can check the estimate hovering over the right bottom blue VRC logo in the wallet.
You won't be able to access your coins at stake. They are hold in the wallet as unspendable, because obviously you can't generate interest with them and sell them at the same time. Think of it as a savings account. If you touch it you'll lose its yearly interest. Difference here is that you can't touch it, until interest clears. It clears out pretty quick though.
Hope this is helpful.