vrm.poolinat0r.com - minimal withdraw amount change
Due massive increasement on the hashing powers, the minimal withdraw amount will get lowered to 50% = 15 VRM.
The withdraw fee for automatic payouts will remain on 0.41 VRM because it's range goes up to 78 VRM. As i mentioned some months ago,
VRM has a "big" amount of fees for transactions, that's why i can't lower it. The pool is not useing sendmany or anything, all payouts are independent transations. If i lower it, it will be "exploited" again.
Sadly there is no setting for different payoutfees like under 20 VRM with 0.21 or anything.If you wish you can lower your withdraw amount, but keep in mind that you will lose 0.41 VRM on each withdraw.
Happy mining, vrm2.poolinat0r.com will be comeing soon
Yeah, I complained about that a couple times, but I guess it is part of the plan:
Development Roadmap V1 - Released
The only thing I don't like so much is this for Verium (besides the fact it should be "
than VeriCoin"):
At least 10x more costly to send then VeriCoin
Is there a game-theory/economic reason that this 10x fee must be the case? What would happen if we let the market decide the relative cost to send VRM vs. VRC? I'd like it if at least in the wallet we can set the fee to what we want. I've seen people before say that the fee drops for small VRM payments, but I'm waiting to hear someone try, because in my windows wallet the fee appears to remain 0.2 VRM for any payment.
For most transactions the fee will be 0.2 VRM because it's a per kilobyte fee structure. The reasons for fee structure are as follows, and possible because of the Dual Blockchain system where Verium does not need to be a great currency.
-Inflation can get very low, very fast, because after a couple years with increased user growth, mining can be almost entirely fee based rewards. So no need to continue to inflate for decades to pay for security.
-As the reward drops more over time, pool mining becomes less and less practical because a greater fraction of your earnings will be lost in a pool withdrawal transaction fee. Additionally you will have to wait longer to perform a withdrawal when your earnings are significantly over fee.
This may make most miners prefer solomining because the profit margins will be considerably better.
So in short this fee structure should help to increase value and decentralization to new levels.
We could see if more people actually solo mine because of this. If we can find the data for the percentage of total vrm hashrate that has been from pools over time we could see if it decreases or not. Although interpreting that might be difficult. Maybe a better measure would be to compare it to other coins with similar hashrate/profit numbers and see if vrm has more solo miners.
Is there really no way to manually set any fee, even in the linux version? I thought I received some from an exchange before with lower fees than than 0.2 but I have a bad memory
how did they "exploit" the lower fees when you used them for payouts?