When trying to run "counterpartyd.exe server" on my windows machine, I get the following from the install via the installer binary:
D:\Tools\counterpartyd>counterpartyd.exe server
ØMQ publisher not active. Sleeping for 0.25 seconds. (Try 1/12)
ØMQ publisher not active. Sleeping for 0.25 seconds. (Try 2/12)
ØMQ publisher not active. Sleeping for 0.25 seconds. (Try 3/12)
ØMQ publisher not active. Sleeping for 0.25 seconds. (Try 4/12)
ØMQ publisher not active. Sleeping for 0.25 seconds. (Try 5/12)
ØMQ publisher not active. Sleeping for 0.25 seconds. (Try 6/12)
ØMQ publisher not active. Sleeping for 0.25 seconds. (Try 7/12)
ØMQ publisher not active. Sleeping for 0.25 seconds. (Try 8/12)
ØMQ publisher not active. Sleeping for 0.25 seconds. (Try 9/12)
ØMQ publisher not active. Sleeping for 0.25 seconds. (Try 10/12)
ØMQ publisher not active. Sleeping for 0.25 seconds. (Try 11/12)
ØMQ publisher not active. Sleeping for 0.25 seconds. (Try 12/12)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Python32\lib\site-packages\cx_Freeze\initscripts\Console3.py", line 2
7, in
File "C:\counterpartyd_build\dist\counterpartyd\counterpartyd.py", line 720, i
lib.exceptions.ZeroMQError: Timeout.
And the following when trying to run it after installing it from source:
D:\Development\counterpartyd_build>echo off
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "D:\Development\counterpartyd_build\dist\counterpartyd\counterpartyd.py",
line 22, in
from lib import (config, api, zeromq, util, exceptions, bitcoin, blocks)
File "D:\Development\counterpartyd_build\dist\counterpartyd\lib\zeromq.py", li
ne 14, in
import zmq
ImportError: No module named zmq
Seems there is some ZeroMQ Problem in both cases? Can somebody help me with this?