Hi Crypto, I'm new and downloaded my wallet and now the bootstrap, so how exactly do I use it?
Re-sync XDE II Blockchain 3x ++ fasterDownloading XDE II Blockchain Bootstrap allows a new XDE II client (not synced) to rapidly import
the blockchain from a local file instead of slowly downloading it from peers on Internet.
You just need to follow the steps below:
1. Download XDE II Blockchain bootstrap.dat.xz from
http://chain.blockpioneers.info/bootstraps/xde2bootstrap.zip .
http://chain.blockpioneers.info/ > Blockchain Bootstraps > Double Eagle 2 Bootstrap
It’s ~42M in size compared to ~170M of the blockchain.
2. Extract it:
Linux: xz -d bootstrap.dat.xz
Mac: You can obtain xz from MacPorts or
http://macpkg.sourceforge.net/Windows: install 7Zip
3. Copy bootstrap.dat to XDE2Coin home directory:
Linux: ~/.xde2coin
Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/XDE2Coin
Windows: %APPDATA%/Roaming/XDE2Coin OR %APPDATA%/Local/XDE2Coin OR %APPDATA%/XDE2Coin
4. Start wallet which will automatically import blockchain from bootstrap.dat
5. After import is finished, bootstrap.dat will be renamed to bootstrap.dat.old which can be deleted to save disk space.