Hello XDNA community!
PROGRESS & STATUS ANNOUNCEMENTShort progress report of previous week:As we said in 2018, we setup an interview with one big crypto-channel !!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=heHGnVEpOPw&t=948sRight now it is on the Russian but we are 2 days from releasing an English version, it will be on our youtube channel.
Next things which are ready to be released until the end of January:- Indian Whitepaper version
- New website landing
- Automatic API trading system via website (crypto-crypto)
- New emergency Exchange (not the one from the list we working for months) from CMC
CRYPTOPIAAs all of you know, our main exchange
https://www.cryptopia.co.nz/ , listing on which cost us more then 12 BTC in July 2018, was hacked the previous week and closed for an investigation process. If we could say that it hurt us only a bit - the truth is it caused a real pushback in our case.
Initially we setup a big marketing and promotion campaign for new audience to join our community, but it's not going to work without a good classic exchange (not a single DEX).
Also, with a deep disappointment, we have to cancel the "1 BTC Giveaway" for XDNA holders and also the more than 50 different prizes because the main source for buying masternodes (Cryptopia) is currently closed.
The Russian part of community could hear notification about that event in the interview above. 1st we transferred it from Dec to Jan, but now we cannot set a date when it could happened.
Unfortunately, chain of dramatic occasions lead us from successful start to current situation and even after new releases of new tools/partnerships or development features market cap was almost always going lower and lower. While we can try to blame red market and hard situation for crypto in general, it would be a mistake to not admit that in some cases & situations we also failed. I (Gunbit) personally feel full of responsibility between early investors and can give you my word, even if crypto-bridge will fall down I will not give up with XDNA.
As a reminder, without advertising XDNA has achieved:- Real innovations for the market; new stuff such as BitGun/TNT/HEX & custom GUI design
- A bright & clear purpose, we want to make world a better place for one in need
- An optimized economic model with automatic decreasing emission of 7% monthly
- All possible listings at more than 100 different crypto charts