Is anyone planning to start a supernode hosting service? I have enough coins but not the skills or hardware, happy to do a revenue sharing deal.
Call me a bit too negative - but i don't think that someone would get up with this because if the supernode fails your coins are gone and i guess you don't want that to happen - but the 'SN-Administrator' which got the hardware and 'skills' wouln't take risk to compensate you that much - if he said so we would have a big usecase for a smartcontract maybe (yeah - i never had, until now, an real-life-fully-automatisationable-usecase for such a contract without ANY third party confirming it
) in ETH
Maybe such a process could get implemented in the future:
Admin of the node sends the compensating amount to a locked adress (if you don't accept the amount it would be charged back a week later) - if you accept the contract - the amount would ne locked for a predefined time if the node fails (not reachable for x seconds or something like this) you get this amont - otherwise the admin would get a Full chargeback after the predefined time.
I meant: For now you could use eth - later such a function could get implemented.