I think
a) that it is sweet to see that my first "idea" was not so bad after all
b) that
and last but not least
c) that I hope to get the one or another improvement suggestion from you, even after the contest ist over and we have seen this method "in action" in the upcoming 0.9.0 testnet
Largest error: 1.89787520814
L'oracle (PM submission from 07:42:50 PM, someone can verify this in my account if wanted):
Largest error: 1.89720766492
My own one (shame on me)
Largest error: 5.31689202348
Largest error: 5.9709180146
Here, all algorithms in zipped form. Change the first line in tester.py to evaluate a specific submission:
Does that seem correct so far?
Unbelieveable, how close the two best submissions were.
If everyone agrees with the result, I would need loracle's BTC address to get rid of my hard earned BTC.
So EK,the winner "idea" be used in elastic now?
I see elastic test block chain peers in http://elasticexplorer.org/peers/ , there have 0.9.0 testnet version peer,
so u made before contest winner 'idea' algo have build in 0.9.0?