I will start with the computational part this weekend, hope I will have some updates pretty quickly.
Today, just a small update.
In fact, I have worked the entire night on it, but the noticeable outcome is small ... yet its revolutionary
You remember the delays in the UI in the other videos? The reason is that the original NRS was polling the information at a fixed rate (like, e.g., refresh the latest Block height every X seconds). This sucks, because people love to see new information without much delay.
Remember how long you had to wait (in the first video) for the unconfirmed work to appear in the list?
This is all gone
I have added a long-poll feature. The UI subscribes to the backend and waits for EVENTS (like new block found, time to block changed, new work was submitted, transaction was broadcasted, etc.). Based on the event, it then updates the relevant information immediately.
I have commited the patch to our GIT. Maybe the NXT people might want to take a look at it, it's a really cool feature.Hope you see what I mean here: