Hi there!
I'm new to the community and to crypto currencies in general, and interested on the development of Myriad.
I'm trying to create a very simple step by step list of instructions to help anyone interested in the Myriad development to quickly contribute to the community. The instructions are not complete yet. I'm currently having problems to get groestl_hash running on Linux, so maybe you can help me complete the list. At first wanted to publish the instructions once they were complete, but I think it is a better idea to have it evolve with the contribution of more experienced developers. Maybe we can move the list to a wiki.
So here's what I have so far. I started with Electrum-Myr, but the basic setup applies to any development. Others could contribute with Windows or MacOS instructions, or maybe an even simple Linux distributions, and we can evolve to have instructions for other areas as well, like the core wallet and p2pool, for example.
What you'll need:
Oracle VirtualBox virtual machine (
https://www.virtualbox.org/[1] )
Lubuntu Intel x86 desktop CD (
http://lubuntu.net/[2] ) - you can use other distributions, but I particullary find this one very simple to setup.
Basic development environment:
Install VirtualBox.
Create a new Lubunto virtual machine, but don't boot it up yet.
Go to your new Lubuntu VM settings -> storage -> optical disk controller and point to the Lubuntu ISO image.
Boot the VM and go through the installation process.
Optionally, you can download PuTTY (
http://www.putty.org/[3] ) to SSH from you host OS to your VM. When working only with the text based consoles, I find it easier to work with a PuTTY terminal from Windows instead working with the standard available terminals on the Linux distributions. These are the best instructions I found on how to enable SSH:
Setup your development environment:
We could group the instructions in less steps, but I find it easier to debug if we go step by step. Here's the list:
cd ~
mkdir work
cd work
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install git-core
sudo apt-get install python-pip
git clone
https://github.com/wozz/electrum-myr.gitsudo pip install ecdsa
sudo pip install slowaes (if this step fails, try sudo apt-get install python-slowaes)
sudo pip install pbkdf2
sudo pip install pyasn1
sudo pip install pyasn1-modules
sudo pip install tlslite
... and here is where I'm currently stuck... I can't get groestl_hash to work for Python. What I'm trying to do:
http://www.reddit.com/r/myriadcoin/comments/2c04d7/groestl_p2ool_node_src_is_fixed_and_my_groestl/[5] )
git clone
https://github.com/birdonwheels5/p2pool-myrGroestl.gitcd p2pool-myrGroestl/groestl_hash
sudo python setup.py install
Any ideas?