Ok, for those wondering why the price of MYR has shot up, here's the news......
Myriad is about to be partially re-branded as a coin for Brazil, but without the airdrop and it's attendant problems, but more an educational exercise with the likes of Bryce Weiner playing a major role in the project.
You can see Bryce's talk yesterday about Myriad, Brazil and his involvement here:
I am struggling to believe that I have had to write this several hours after the announcement, where is the publicity machine devs? If this were Blackcoin, the devs would have been on to it like wildfire, but here everybody has to root around and find what's causing the price rise for themselves - madness.
Just wondering or did I mix tings up ? rt2 (rotocoin) did exactly say the same and same video.... ?!
Errrr, I hope not, you're scaring me now..... I've done a search for bryce and roto and can't find anything significant.
Im sorry ! I mixed things up. Page 156 of this thread was the link and not roto. Im to much in this forum....
This is exactly what I mean, someone needs to take charge of publicity, put it all in one place and make it absolutely clear what is going on with MYR. There's barely a mention about this significant development on the MYR Twitter account.