I was wondering why Skein is deviating so low and if this means there is room for improvement in the design on the coin that we can test on a testnet or something? I'm assuming we want to tend towards 20% for each and if Skein keeps dropping to 19.4, then 19.3, etc., we can be alerted that something is wrong?
That is from the whole blockchain. Ignore the earlier parts before things settled down, and instead look at figures for a short recent period (e.g. the last 24 hours, or 2880 blocks). One standard deviation each way would be 19.25%-20.75%. Two standard deviations each way would be 18.5%-21.5%.
You might even find that Skein has got more of its fair share of blocks in the last few days.
You should also expect a very slight preference towards the algorithms with high numerical difficulties (in decreasing order: SHA, Skein, Groestl, Qubit, Scrypt), for the reasons outlined recently.
Good explanation, thank you very much.