Just in the last hour or so I've seen a chain of five non-SHA256D blocks (112715-112719) erased by a single SHA256D block (112715):
[code edited out]
How should this happen if they are truly independent?
anyone want to give this a technical explanation.. maybe a simple explanation too
Dev is only one that can atm
This is general block reorg (also known as a chain of orphans) it happens with a block time of 30 seconds. hell even with the 10 min block time of bitcoin it happens. In myriadcoin every algo has equal standing as each has an equal score. You can see in many POS/POW coins. POS orphans POW as POS has a higher score than its POW counterpart.
exactly! the coin is broken because a single SHA block can force a reorganization and orphan many blocks from other algos. This allows for easy double spending with minimal hashrate. Just mine SHA from the last SHA block ignoring blocks from other algos. When you mine your new SHA block, all the others will be orphaned. If there are enough to confirm a transaction (which is very likely), you can double spend.
But it can be fixed using normalization. Scrypt is about 1024 times SHA. You'd have to calculate the relative weight for other algos.
dev: you can contact me if you need help fixing this, I have experience with alt PoWs - I'm the developer of Riecoin (new primes PoW - currently cpu only)
Someone mentioned a bounty for a technical study on 51% attacks. Is that real? where can I learn about this bounty? what do you need exactly?
Besides fixing this "high diff algo reorganization attack", I have some ideas for preventing 51% attacks on a coin like this.
Thanks for your offer. PM sent. There is a 15,500 MYR bounty for analysis. I can also put up another 15K MYR for your assistance.