that sploit is old as the hills and doesn't even work. Mine is 0day =]
EDIT: mine involves packet manipulation
Does it work on all algos? Or just myriad?
I've tested it successfully on X11, groestl, skein, sha-3, adaptive N, and some scrypt pools. Havn't had any luck with sha2
EDIT: I haven't personally tested a single sha2 pool as I don't have the hardware, friend tested and said it wasn't working. Doesn't mean it doesn't work tho or can't work with proper tweaking.
Ill put 10k towards some kind of stratum fix. This coin has too much potential to have this slow us down.
I'll throw in another thousand, allthough I don't believe in a real fix. Only matter of time.
Prolly P2P is only solutions for this atm ....
PM me when it's needed or how to ship in !