We can't. We just need to trust the pool operators to monitor their pools and deal with these users appropriately. Only when a pool is compromised is it possible to investigate and work out a fix.
I'm keeping a close eye on my pool.
The issue is the pools ops cant see it either. The shares come in, stratum accepts them, they get counted for the rewards. It's only after a while when you see that userx hasn't found a block after x time that you can SUSPECT that they are cheating. If we banned every user that had an unlucky spell though you'd all get banned sooner or later.
At some stage i will get the issue fixed but i don't have the time right now so rather than let people steal from legitimate miners, we decided to shut the pool rather than let the thieves prosper. Hope you understand.
You are honest. Thank you for letting every one know. This will prevent new people from getting into trouble.
Will P2POOLS also have same problem? If not why dont someone create a p2pool?