Have the devs ever thought about doing a crowd funding and finally finish off digibyte for good. You might have to give up your identities but it will be worth it. I think digibyte gets the funding because Jared has put himself out there and not anonymous.
Your pussy developers are anonymous, don't come stir your shit in the digibyte ann.
Obvious troll is obvious, but it's worth noting that since this is an open source project I certainly have no need / interest in the personal identities of other devs I've worked with. It's not like knowing their name / nationality gives any more credence to the code that is generated. The idea that somehow knowing who Bernie Madoff was didn't help those who trusted him. On the contrary not a soul has any proof who Satoshi Nakamoto is but the code securing the network now has a fairly substantial bounty of trust on it, primarily due to the open source nature of the project.
I will state that my interactions with 8bitcoder and nzsquirrell have been professional, gracious, and courteous. That's all I could ask for or need. The code is on github and the devs are active on reddit, always willing to answer a question no matter how noobish it might seem. There is a slack channel which is primarily used for release coordination (the jury is still out on how comfortable I am with the closed nature of slack, I'm probably more comfortable with a public IRC channel).
We should all know by now that anyone who states that a "real person" backing a project somehow gives it legitimacy is suspect.
Edit: and to answer your question, no I don't think any "crowd funding" has ever been suggested to my knowledge. I don't think anyone would be interested in disrupting another project as a primary goal.
Edit2: I take that back, we did have a "crowd funding" of sorts, an investment in a mac mini a while back to assist with OSX releases. I think it probably is sitting on nzsquirrell's desk