As I see the hash rate of the pool in, looks like exploiter has came back
Is it so difficult to fix that hole in stratum? Maybe there is a global solution - it's not only groestl and myr problem. As I understand, It's stratum bug?..
2 hrt: ecли eтo oпять ты - пepecтaнь. Eтo бeзcмыcлeннo. Toлькo пpибaвляeш paбoты aдминy. Oн вcёpaвнo бyдeт пepecмaтpивaть дaнныe и ты выплaты нe пoлyчeш! Дa и мoнeты, кoтopыe ты yжe yкpaл oбecцeнятьca в пocлeдcтвии иззa нeдoвepия к cтaбильнocти вceй cиcтeмы! Eтo нe в пoльзy и тeбe тoжe!
the problem is in converting difficulty of shares. People in litecoin forum posted the solution. Maybe it's the same for groestl pool? I'm sure it will work for scrypt myr pools: this bug will not be fixed, there is no point to mine on groestl pool - its only generating a lot of manual work for admin.
In my opinion - step 1 is fixing stratum. Only after that - repairing data and recalculating shares and coins...
linuxmonkey - user of
can provide some help:
Edit: Feel free to PM me if your pool needs the fix
Edited3: It's an 1 year old bug! Why it popped out here again?.. :|