That is literally only 30x, which is very achievable for a coin with such high potential as RBX. It isn't even listed on any decent exchanges. Once it gets listed, that's the first skyrocket.
For one thing, Rai should already be higher than Litecoin.
If XRB is a $1000 in a year I'll give you my entire stack, it's not going to happen because that's living in a fantasy world. Anyways I'm done talking about, it's a pointless conversation.
People have a tendency to underestimate.
"It went up more than 100x in a month" ... "and you expect another 30x" (in a full year).
Do you see why that might not be so unreasonable? The price went up so much because it deserved to. BTW if Amazon/Ebay said that, which is certainly possible in this year, it would pretty much be enough to accomplish $1000.
If XRB is $1000 within a year, I won't be needing anyone to give me money. I'm not a consumerist.
I won't here tell you anything about this tech because I am fairly new, thing is that large sums of money is being thrown away at crypto table because everyone is expecting return. Haven't there been any recent news about binance adding it it would take a cuple of years before I even stumbled upon RaiBlocks. Since this market is pure speculation price can increase till one point untill some people start to dump it, I am not saying this could be bad investment if you are ready to hold long term.
Can you give good arguments/resources for ebay and Amazon? The only way why these giants will ever include cryptocurrency as means of payment would be simply to increase their salles and they will most likley turn it back to fiat as most bussinesses do today with bitcoin and others. However if they conclude that they won't get any mass return since many people use cryptocurrency to gamble and flip money, it is highly unlikley that they will include cryptocurrency as of today. If they wanted to they could do it in 2017 or even way back although market is growing by day since recent bitcoin spike.