I tested the beta version. Stucked on 15329.
Logs (-debug -debugnet -logtimestamps):
https://www.dropbox.com/s/vc9lvt8vknl9eda/new_logs.7zTwo files exists in archive.
debug_15329.log - sync from 0 to 15329, then stuck
debug_after_15329_restart.log - after the wallet restart, sync still stuck
I found somethings interesting in the second file.
The wallet tried sync after 15329 block, and as I understand can't pass 15330:
07/24/14 13:13:44 received: block (456 bytes)
07/24/14 13:13:44 received block 939f825d487fe9f9d93f
07/24/14 13:13:44 >>> CheckStakeKernelHash: passed GetKernelStakeModifier
07/24/14 13:13:44 CheckStakeKernelHash() : using modifier 0x9fff1a95cffcdf43 at height=11508 timestamp=2014-07-21 12:40:59 UTC for block from height=11393 timestamp=2014-07-21 09:44:03 UTC
07/24/14 13:13:44 CheckStakeKernelHash() : check protocol=0.3 modifier=0x9fff1a95cffcdf43 nTimeBlockFrom=1405935843 nTxPrevOffset=158 nTimeTxPrev=1405935843 nPrevout=1 nTimeTx=1406195215 hashProof=fab4dbfab0ff32c88798e6a082c24b46bef3efb1dcec3161f779eabe01d19ab5
07/24/14 13:13:44 >>> bnCoinDayWeight = 1, bnTargetPerCoinDay=5647574804144476117109686896495768941282598351965528251131500646898935529472
07/24/14 13:13:44 >>> CheckStakeKernelHash - hashProofOfStake too much
07/24/14 13:13:44 ERROR: CheckProofOfStake() : INFO: check kernel failed on coinstake e70124086e21bd03430fd6a3943ce8e5567cd2c1a73ec960d5cd8445d73522f9, hashProof=fab4dbfab0ff32c88798e6a082c24b46bef3efb1dcec3161f779eabe01d19ab5
07/24/14 13:13:44 WARNING: ProcessBlock(): check proof-of-stake failed for block 939f825d487fe9f9d93fba3ea73be0a72808f08013f262d351ca12e107136c73
15330 has hash: 939f825d487fe9f9d93fba3ea73be0a72808f08013f262d351ca12e107136c73
This is correct block, I have fully synced and (I synced this wallet manually copied the blockchain) with this block (both on 15525 now).
I don't know why can't pass this block when downloading it over the network, and why pass when loads from blockchain.