the devs may be "in silence" to buy the maximum they can at this very cheap price
We are not in silence. We have to sleep!
Most of us are in Pacific time in the US. Look to see what time it is in California if we haven't posted in a few hours.
Also, we are active in IRC chats for exchanges, etc.
We will keep the community updated on progress.
Following is a quick draft of the plan, although we are loathe to make promises considering how promises plague so many coins these days.
First, the goal for Stealth Coin is what we call "government resistant" privacy protection. We've already mentioned the principle parts of our plan, but we repeat them here: Government resistant privacy protection has two facets: (1) block chain analysis resistance using plausible deniability cryptography and (2) network analysis resistance using Tor.
So where are we in our plans? Well, Tor is implemented and you are already using it, so Stealth Coin is currently resistant to network analysis.
For block chain analysis resistance, we already have a proof-of-concept codebase. So we know what the implementation will be and, more importantly, know that it works. Our goal now is to implement it on top of the Stealth Coin protocol. This is a little trickier than Tor was, admittedly, but certainly not impossible. In a worst-case scenario, we foresee the possibility that the current block chain structure may not be compatible with the new protocol. If this is not easily resolvable, we'll simply dispatch a new wallet and have some low-tech way for users to convert to the new block chain structure.
Please note that the lead developer is going to go on a 10 day retreat to work on integrating block chain analysis resistance into the Stealth Coin protocol, starting tomorrow. During this time, a general silence does not mean that the development team is stagnating. Rather, it means we have time to work on the code base. We will, however be very responsive to any problems that arise in the network, just as we have been already.
We understand the importance of interfacing with the community, especially here at bitcointalk, but it does take time from development, so please be understanding of this fact when our posts in the thread are infrequent.
Finally, we thank supporters, welcome criticism, and hope to deliver much stronger privacy protection in the coming weeks.