At what heights will be the decrease of the reward for the block?
From the code:
int64_t GetProofOfStakeReward(const CBlockIndex* pindexPrev, int64_t nCoinAge, int64_t nFees)
int64_t nSubsidy = 0 * COIN;
if (pindexBest->nHeight+1 > 1000 && pindexBest->nHeight+1 <= 20000)
nSubsidy = 10 * COIN;
else if (pindexBest->nHeight+1 > 20000 && pindexBest->nHeight+1 <= 100000)
nSubsidy = 5 * COIN;
else if (pindexBest->nHeight+1 > 100000 && pindexBest->nHeight+1 <= 500000)
nSubsidy = 3 * COIN;
else if (pindexBest->nHeight+1 > 500000 && pindexBest->nHeight+1 <= 800000)
nSubsidy = 2 * COIN;
else if (pindexBest->nHeight+1 > 800000)
nSubsidy = 1 * COIN;
return nSubsidy + nFees;
I looked for this part, but did not find
- 10 coins from block 1000 to block 20,000
- 5 coins until block 100,000
- 3 coins until block 500,000
- 2 coins until block 800,000
- 1 coin forever