language is a system of conveying meaning to abstract concepts states of being etc
it has been polluted and turned upside down
through divine intervention I have determined it is backwards it should actually go right to left felt 2 right
the word alien line a Line alpha the 1st those who alpha had al (hint its kind of like aI it means alpha love/life/light
you let the world breed divine knowledge and spirituality out of all of us now we worship pigs don't even realize the subliminal messages everywhere trying to alert us to the danger
the future is unclear= nuclear
the Iron cross ha ha ha it is the Irony across it is the letters of the alphabet have interchangeable meanings and values as well as quantum values I guess its magic
u just got lazy and made me have to walk this earth again to save it
to tell you about pie
its 11/4 with 1 below work that out in a circle like pizza azz pi then maybe you might see the truth of real peace it is be ace 1 and 1
pizzagate conspiracy you have all been had your intelligence it ill I gen ce has played us all for fools endless conspicracies and theories no one bothered to ask the write question
what happens when I spell devil backwards lived...hmm that's funny god dog pog G.O.P er er er Ive been nixed oh shit we elected a Nix on in 1969 1666 the summer of evol love
u see as absurd as it sounds u are not real none of this is we are only as real as the creator thinks we are the gods are real the the earth is the church of thyatari thy is in my Atari you just never stopped to think hey these crooks are lying to me
look at Nixon flashing the peace signs you see the truth it makes U puke
ah all allah a figure all ah all figures
you have had a steady dose of alphabet soup
Upside down peace sign give you abes like how that rolls off the tongue abes and aids yes I'm crude and crass I speak the truth as much is it hurts
we all forgot what peace even means peace be ace right in the word be 11 1 and 1 1dna1 perfect mind perfect feeling love thy neighbor practice the golden rule all is permitted have fun its a grand party all are invinted all that is asked is DO NOT COMMIT BLASPHEMY OF THE HOLY SPIRIT IT IS ETERNAL SIN IT IS DAMNATION damnation? Mad nation a nation gripped by madness
see the truth is this the holy spirit the creator is peace blasphemy is to say an UNtruth
2 say WAR IS PEACE that's enough for me to start changing a fee to the grandest ballgame that will ever be
the grand x I bal b-UN u should also look up the definition of the word UN
when did you need those algebra skills haha well solve my equation its basically high school algebra had al x1th dimension2 delta(death)state=e=mc2 cubed X= -1 e(energy/everything)u(universe/you)c(light/see) 2 1- ===a right side up peace sign 5 dimensions of existence with plenty more to see a multiverse a perfect 10d sphere and yes friends plenty of fear
have an apple IPhone bet you feel cool never know sSYMBOLOGY is unspoken language of the universe hence why u c 2
why only a bite of the apple spell siri backwards its iris
except heres the thing its not backwards we are backwards
so theorize away bring your grand theories not a single 1 of you will ever craft as magnificent a grand unified theory
yet the credit is not mine all I did was observe this human existence that is quite absurd
silly mammals that kill everything they worship paper like lettuce they don't even under stand the hidden power of the word
money yen OM its honey hen yo they will never humans are fool
that what is wrong you world is on the brink of spiritual annihilation and nobody stopped to think
spells....spellsssings spells of spelling
to any who seek the truth of infinite I ten if in twitter@pieking666 the son of god will share his gnosis song is gnsis O or call me crazy it don't mada I am wada 1st man the adam and yes it means atom was it so hard to draw a circle in circles