Ask yourself this WHY put SPHERES in a move
Video for spheres on independence day 2
We become friends with the spheres WHY even put them in the movie..
Because many have seen spheres flying around for many many years
And why does NASA and ELON MUSK
fuzzy the screens when flying around space?..
You could watch in HD without any fuzzy screens we do get our TV without crackles and green screens
and fuzzy screens ..
And then after the fuzzy screens perfect picture because they are hiding stuff..
Oh it's different parts of the earth makes this happen
BUT ask yourself THIS?
If an ALIEN race was coming down to earth and taking us up and doing stuff to us plus never bringing us back I.E killing us doing what ever they like to us..
Because we are way behind in technology than the aliens so that means we cannot do anything about it..
If they was doing this to us HUMANS would you want the GOVERNMENT to tell you or hide it?..
Me hide it
now if you think it's not POSSIBLE have you seen how many HUMANS go MISSING never to return home again..
HOW MANY PEOPLE GO “MISSING” EVERY YEAR IN AMERICA ... Nov 2016 - On average, 90,000 people are missing in the USA at any given time, ... At any given moment, there are as many as 90,000 missing persons in
4,432,880 Missing Persons Vanished In Past 20 Years | Scoop News › World
26 Aug 2013 - Vanishing Point: 4,432,880 Missing Persons Have Vanished In the Last ... These statistics also conceal another: globally, 607 people go missing every single day, without a trace. ... This lack of closure is, in many cases, worse than it is for those ... bodies which occupy the morgues of cities all over the world.
Knowing we cannot do jack shit about it..
Now imagine a cop watches 1 person shoot a cop in the face on YOUTUBE
what do the cops do know ?..
1 terrorist blows a shop up WHAT do we do ? We panic and call all the ISLAMS ..
Now imagine the government saying ALIENS come down and take about 5 thousand humans
a year and experiment on us and some never come back..
YOU WOULD ALL SHIT YOUR PANTS....WHY because just like the 1 cop or the terrorist
you would think IT COULD BE ME..
And you can see how many never come back home VANISH never to be seen again..
Now no aliens might come down and takes US ..
But if aliens wanted us to KNOW 100% they are here they would just land in a football stadium
so that makes me thinks they don't really want to know who they REALLY ARE..
So i thinks WHY don't they want us to know who they REALLY ARE..
Maybe they EAT US ?
Maybe because WE ARE FUCKING CRAZY and if we get hold of there technology we would kill them or try to anyways and steal all there STUFF..
So that's why i say we are not ready ..
We hate gays colour of peoples skin and kill animals in the millions..
And if you say well you hate religion IT'S A type of backward thinking that's why i hate it..
It serves no purpose in life only to NUT JOBS..
Just admit you talk to yourself and that's who you are speaking to if you pray or worship gods..
Your the god you so wish to talk to ..You talk to yourself no one else..