I now assume you are a shill, after all, calling critics racist is exactly what a shill would do to push his agenda. Thank you for the clarification.
call me what you like.
but now you have go all the insults off your chest
go research and try seeing the big picture from the point of view of the bitcoin network.
dont wear the blockstream defence cap.
wear the critical thinking cap.
dont read the reddit scripts. read the code and documentation
again not with the utopian dreamer blockstream defence cap
look at the big picture, the long term picture.
and be truly critical.
maybe even worth you repeating to yourself "what if hearne coded this" just to keep your critical mind on track
i will just leave you with this thought.
knowing that changing PoW requires a network consnsus upgrade to achieve it
instead of doubling down on threats just to push segwit as is but done hard.. the blockstream team and fanboys should think of plan B
if they are going to pull a pin... actually recode segwit to be 1 merkle and a proper network wide 4mb that is also dynamic and add other community desird features.
dont waste the blockstream triggered hard fork event if soft fails to activate, purely to push opposition away, use it to unite the community with proper non cesspit creating network