Does anyone here run their S4's on 240 volts? What setting do you use on the chip? 0375?
You mean 0735? Probably a bit too high unless you're overclocking heavily. Keep in mind that the PSU is barely sufficient for stock speeds.
I used 0720 with 200 MHz (stock 2 TH/s) and 0725 with 225 MHz (~2.25 TH/s)
No I am talking about 240 volts input. Much more efficient than 120 volts. the chips surely must be undervolted using 240.
Er.. no.. chip voltage is the same regardless of input. You just pull less amps with 220/240. I'm in Singapore and we're using 220/240 and chips v are the same.
Both sorta right. Vcore stays the same regardless of line input as it is set inside the miners.
Generally yes the overall efficiency may go up 1-2 percent depending on the actual PSU design but that's all. But.. the higher line *i
n theory* will allow you to pull more from the PSU so you have a bit more power available for OC/OV.
Main limiting factor in PSU's and their final ratings is how much current the input stage can handle. To put out rated power @100-125v the input stage has to be able to handle x amount of current. Raise the line to 200-240 and current is cut in half. Input stage loves that, now the limiting factor becomes the rest of the PSU circuitry.
Bottom line, unless a PSU is specifically marked and rated for different power vs line rating (Like the HP CS server PSU's) DO NOT assume you can safely sustain higher power out by using a high line in.
For new or upgraded installations using 208-220v is the only way to go. Wire sizes are smaller for x-amount of power per plug and costs for plugs is lower because you can use fewer of them vs 110v. Also I've found that dual rated supplies when ran off of 220v handle powerline dips better to keep miners alive. The Universal input function give a bit more reserve time for the line to come back up.