What I do not think anyone understands is that this will never end.
Western countries and the Muslims are never going to be at peace. Only way it seems like peace is when the muslims are fighting each other and preoccupied.
Now you can all argue all day nato did this, us droned that, Isis blew up that, Israel did that, every side has 100 legitimate sob stories.
The end game is the same the cultures and the ideologies are not compatible .
The muslims think they can establish a caliphate in Europe.
They have one of the highest fertility rates, and with 50 million + muslims in Europe, demographics are changing rapidly.
yup, they breed like rabbits and mostly funded by wellfare or they have a job, but mostly log enough the have rights to wellfare. sometimes they even work just long enough in compagnies made by them to facilitate the exploitation of europe's wellfare system.
luckely sometimes they frak up and it comes out, but not enough.
Or they work themselves into keyplaces and key function where they can, like policeforces, army, politics, schools public transport and so on.
Where i live they always voted socialist, christian and now even green party but now their population has overgrown out of controle and is now big enough to make their own party. This is for years they want and talk about this. i even got a propaganda flyer about this shit in my mailbox, while it's against the law to do so outside of the election period.
here it's simply called ISLAM
next voting here everybody will see who they realy are and who was wright all along...
you can be scared all you want about isis daesh or whatever those monsters are called. those aren't the ones you should be scared of. Because everyone knows how to deal with them, but unfortunatly common sence is destroyed by political correctness, which will be the end of our free world if we don't stand our ground.
it's those who live "peacefully" among us you should be scared of.
just look how the place you live in changed upto 30years ago, you'll be in for a supprise i tell you.
Remember, there is only one islam, you know who said that, while his son is drinking tea and biscuits with isis members, he gets 3 billion euro for those refigees now while europe only gives 30million around to help small bisness loans and starting funds for people who wants to start something up, but lacking the nececary backup to do so or for those in financial trouble caused by the crisis. and europe does this to inject money into the european ecomnomy to grow? lol
and why only one islam?
and why islam is doom of the world?
only one word: taqiyya
if you don't know what it is, google it or look it up in your local library
or better yet, ask themselves what it means and while doing so, watch carefully how their look in their eyes change, you'll probably see a look of busted while their face changes.