You got to look into XSN.
Stakenet is a masternode POS coin, which splits staking and masternode rewards equally, (This way anyone can make a profit off of XSN, even the small holders).
Currently 18%/year running a masternode.The Stakenet DEX will be running entirely on masternodes. So how does that work?
The masternodes will be highly advanced, and will host all the chains supported by the network. This makes the whole experience as a user much more convenient and smooth, and in the end you wont even feel a difference between the DEX, and a centralized exchange.
There's MUCH more to the project than that though, which I'll briefly highlight below:
TPOS - Trustless Proof Of Stake Stakenet was the inventor of TPOS, which gives you the option to stake your coins trustlessly (offline) through a merchant who'll take a fee for doing so. (You can be your own merchant if you setup a VPS for it).
Hardware Device: VIPER Stakenet is supported by Ledger, Trezor, and Xeeda, but despite the fact that they are nice hardware wallets, Stakenet aims to build an even better one. See the their roadmap for more info on that. - Online Staking Platform, Masternode Monitor, and Masternode As A Service Platform Stakenet aims to make staking easy for the average newbie, providing a service where you can store your XSN on their website. This is a centralized solution, and it's strongly adviced that you only keep small amounts here. From here you can Stake XSN, PIVX, and Stratis (More POS coins coming)
Besides that you can monitor your Masternodes, which means you'll get an email if one of your nodes goes down (extremely handy btw).
You can also use their "Masternode As A Service" platform to host your masternodes on, while still having control over your coins. (They just setup a VPS for you, makes it easy to setup a masternode, even for a complete beginner to crypto).
Lightning TransactionsStakenet was the 3rd project worldwide to implement lightning on mainnet. (Right after BTC/LTC), and they even helped the Litecoin developers with the final lightning integration.
Source: Total marketcap of XSN right now is
below $10 Million. Upside potential is massive on this one.
Apart from all of this, they also plan to work on Cross Chain Proof Of Stake (Stake XSN, Get your rewards in LTC/BTC/DASH or whatever you choose). Their DEX aggregator, Mobile Wallet, Multi Currency Light Wallet with inbuilt Lightning Swaps and TOR integration
Love Stakenet.
It's got everything a masternode project should have, but WITHOUT the scammy vibe to it, and PnD type of deal.
The use case for XSN is gonna be enourmous, and I predict it to be just as strong as DASH in the future, due to their incredible work on Lightning.