I feel sorry for you that your Jupiter didn't work as it should be.
I hope that KnC solve it quickly for you.
I myself have only good experience with this company.
Thanks, I was of course hoping for something a lot better as it was working great when i picked it up.
Quickly is not going to happen, as explained earlier. Shipping less than 10 days before Christmas is far from ideal.
It is good that most people still have a good experience. I know the shipping times are usually good, but I have lost faith as I've seen how useless they can be when it comes to supporting customers where there could have been a simple solution.
Hold on the customer support bend over backwards to help people, they are super patient and very good at what they do. Don't listen to all the FUD and purposeful misinformation thrown around on this forum, some people have experienced genuine grief in having an RMA, others aren't real customers just trying to warp peoples view by jumping on a chance to discredit a company. Was everything 100% perfect in the start in Oct? No, nature of the beast with experimental kit sent out ASAP so peeps could reap the reward of having their kit on the network ASAP. From what I've just read above you're not even an OG buyer with a registered account with KnC, you bought this second hand, and they are still honouring the warranty. Not sure how many places are kind enough to do that, I know for a fact Sony doesn't offer warranty on resold products so I cannot see what you have to complain about here. Customs is no ones fault other than your own if it looks suspicious, or bad luck if it's been held up unnessessarily.
On our side it comes in, is checked off the list, and a replacement issued of a repair cannot be performed there and then. I personally was fixing the kit when the initial wave of deliveries commenced. There was a much higher frequency of RMA as the firmware hadn't successfully ironed out the initial kinks at that point. That was quite hard to keep on top of, but now they hae a dedicated team for that and they are very efficient. Peeps have come here and seen it for their own eyes. Some having listened to dumb trolling, blatantly know it's a competant and hardworking team.
You're just venting out of frustration, fair enough, no one wants to see you, or anyone else loose out, but your comments above in this thread are bang out of line dude.
Also here's some advice, I'm not asking anyone to beg, but if you have to call and speak to someone remember they aren't personally responsible for your aggro, and neither are they a human punchbag, speak to them courteously and politely and you'll prob experience a lot less resistance in all walks of life...(especially those sitting on your goods in customs