Stupid guy just hurt himself. Arnie barely felt it.
But yes, just leave them alone. Stop all aid, close the borders and let them sort it out.
The root cause of 99% of the issues that the Africans face today is the uncontrolled population explosion. People are afraid to say this truth, because they will be branded as racists. The Africans need more IUDs and condoms. Sending food aid is not a permanent solution. Are we going to send the food aid (in increasing amounts every year) for the next 1,000 years?
Even AIDS barely make a dent.
West needs to cut all help to Africa. All.
Once you do that, all corrupted politicians will leave or be killed by their own citizens. As it is now, they wait for IMF loans, then divert them to offshore accounts they control while the poor folks continue to suffer.
+1 I think I've read a similar sentiment from this book, just haven't skimmed through it to confirm. is, would the "democratic" Western governments and multinational companies allow that when they benefit from this arrangement?