The whole idea of racism is stupid. It is designed by Government to take freedom from people.
The problem with racism is that allegations of racism can only be pointed against white males. It can never be alleged against Africans, Muslims, LGBTs, Japanese, Koreans.etc despite the fact that many of these people are even more racist than the whites.
That's because white people have always been above it and didn't care. Would you feel insulted if someone called you a white? You pale man, you white flour! You christian!
Imagine walking in the street with a sign "I hate whites" - nobody would care. Do the same with "I hate blacks" and you'll get shouted at, maybe assaulted. Now try doing the same thing with a sign "i hate muslims" and you'll be spit at, possibly stabbed and killed. Groups that feel most insecure will react most violently.
I think you are affirming position of poster before you. White people have been victims of hate crimes at increasing rate "because they are above it", so it doesnt count in media
Yet, certain minorities reaffirm violent stereotypes with their own insecure, psychotic behavior towards all outsiders.
Indeed, this has been supported by double standarts of media and government. Nobody else is to be blamed for it.
I don't think that this scenario can continue like this in the long term. There can be two outcomes. Either the white majority will accept its fate, and exterminate itself through race miscegenation. Another outcome may be a violent resistance by the whites against the ongoing ethnicide.
I dont think power elites support this hate cycle through some anti-white conspiracy. Rather, they may like Catholic Church of the past seek power through guilt shaming. White people are not only majority, but have historically held viable assets. Easiest way to gain someones assets is to "ask for them".
What I am trying to say is: Once this race mongering will stop beind profitable, power elites will turn public attention against somebody else. I agree with you, though, that reaction from white people would be both safer and quicker. For everybody.
EDIT: You can also observe, that while media shaming is targeted against middle class. Upper echelons of society have remained remarkably homogenous ie. white. Further pointing to the fact, that all of this is form of class war of controlling masses.