A recent racism activity and we have seen similar incidents before also.Even some cops are racists who take undue advantage of opportunity and shoot immigrants and blacks.
Has the country now became totally unsafe for immigrants?Trump move to prevent/reduce immigration was appreciated by all of us because it was meant for betterment of country and to increase jobs prevent crimes...But this crime looks as racist activity and not for any good advantage.Are such activities still supported and considered as for good of the country?
America is not a racist country in the present, but it was before when they massacred thousands of american indians. America today has become much better than it was before treating all races with care as long as they are not a hindrance to their goals and agendas. America is not discriminating the muslims when they banned muslims from getting in the country. There are reasons for that and you will know the answer when you can determine why those immigrants are not taking shelter on Arab countries.
I'm assuming you either:
Don't live in the US
Certainly don't live in the South
Live in the bluest state imaginable, in a plastic bubble, under a rock.
Educate yourself:
This is just the tip. Racism is alive, wherever people are alive.