Next... No banks/gov controlling money (gov without money control doesnt have much, if any power) - this changes peoples fundamental outlook on life, end result = more direct human judgement on issues closer to source. You are your own master of destiny without banks and gov. Currently bureaucracy is the master of our destiny's - even the very rich get caught partially in the bureaucracy trap. Right now people dont even bother to try and do something good because there is no point, the system is too anti socially mobile.
So in this new world you have greater power with a more liberated version of money (crypto). You can do greater good or greater bad without gov and banks control.
Conclusion.... freedom > non freedom - provided the source of freedom is stable. (kinda contradictory oxymoron but you get what im trying to say in this whole context? bitcoin seems stable enough)
I'm not sure I necessarily agree. First of all, I fail to see the why people have this perception that having no banks and a completely deregulated monetary system would be entirely good. Banks are just like any other service, they exist because there is demand for them and that demand comes from the fact people need a place to store their wealth as well as go to as a means of finding capital for investment. Government policies exist to try and maintain steady growth within the economy and reduce the swinginess of business cycles. While you might not agree with the way governments choose to go about with their policy - most of their aims are sound.
For example, imagine if Greece had no means of being bailed out because money was entirely deregulated. You would have chronic unemployment, a significant reduction in quality of life (as no one can afford services/goods) and probably eventually starve out the population without some sort of humanitarian aid from other countries. If anything that's even worse than what we have now. I don't care about being free if I have to have a hole in my stomach and die because of it because I don't have food to eat.
Secondly, whose to say you aren't currently the master of your own destiny at the current time/status quo? Aside from preventing things which hurt society as a whole, the way most democracy's are set up means they allow the freedom to do nearly anything. The only reason you can't go out and stab people because you feel like it is because it negatively impacts others. You have the freedom to anything else you like really.
And if you wouldn't mind clarifying - are you wanting to not have a government (which would be anarchy and complete chaos) or just no government intervention in monetary policy?
I can only offer my bias opinion really because right/wrong/good/bad seems impossible to know objectively. To clarify im thinking i want no government involvement in monetary system. Im keen to keep some kind of less powerful gov perhaps some kind of donation based regulation authority.
The inefficiency of the banking system comes at a cost even if we initially chose this system out of demand, do we get enough back as a society for that cost at this point? The demand for banking in current format could be reassessed now technology has shown us improvements. Many financial sector workers could be doing other things. Maybe bitcoin needs more time to prove itself?
Government polices aims are meant with good intention im sure but if you have more individual direct control to environment via voting with your wallet you relate better imo, you have motivation to relate when your decisions actually count. People/life is too complex to have a 100 million person sized tribes all following the same ways.
Common denominators in humans seem to be we are all drawn towards pleasure and try to avoid pain. We also all seem to display sympathy. Seeing someone in pleasure > seeing someone in pain. Maybe the problem is if you have some kinda crazy "anarchy" world people cannot find sympathy for other different kinds of people if they become too different and we all kill each other? Although we find sympathy for animals so dont think so...
As regards Greece, lf the people own the land and are free to trade how they wish they both have the control and motivation to preserve quality of life. With government running the show they lose direct control. What happened with Greece exactly? seems like their people gave other people power to make decisions and these other people made bad/unlucky decisions? or did Greece suddenly turn non compatible for human life? If not those then must of been that Greece were unlucky? (excuse my ignorance)
Lastly yeah im not ok with people going around stabbing people randomly for no reason, i would hope to keep donation style gov to police this, if this is not possible then yeah i guess more brainstorming needed before we change to mad max apocalypse