Most of the terrorists i have seen are Moslems and they all scream Allahu Akbar before they commit their heinous and despicable deeds.
I believe that when the terrorists shout Allahu Akbar it only confirms the fact that the crime they pushed religion. It seems to me that countries in which Muslims commit acts of terrorism should ban Islam in their territories.
Anybody can shout Allahu Akbar, not only Muslims. Also, many people can shout ''Jesus Christ'' but it doesn't mean they are Christians.
Do you really believe that if one Muslim commit crime, that all Muslims should be persecuted and Islam banned as religion?I hope that you don't think in this way.
If we try to deal with Muslim in this way, we will create many more problems and conflicts and will not solve this situation.
Only possible way is to work with local Muslim community and help them to integrate in the society.
Many times, the terrorists have been studied, and yes they are devout Muslims. Interesting subject.
So you can't just shrug it off like that.
"Work with local Muslim..."
Buddy, because some whackjobs from Syria want to kill us doesn't mean the local Muslim jerks deserve one minute of our time. That simply makes no sense. Now if the local Muslim jerk of a cleric is foaming at the mouth about killing infidels, I do believe he merits some time. Some FBI time, some NSA time, and some prison time.
Otherwise I don't care to see his ugly bearded face and he likely feels the same about me.
It is precisely Islam that teaches a lot of mutual respect, mutual understanding, mutual helping fellow human beings, protecting the preservation of the earth and its contents.
For me ... mission that brought the terrorists are not religious mission, not Islamic mission.
Moslems or Christians maybe terrorists. Although No other religion that teaches its followers to commit terror. Crime humans based on religious attitude has existed since the time of Adam and Eve had their first offspring. That's the first act of terror on earth.
And now ... On behalf in the Holy War, Crusade, Jihad, in the end ridden by the rotten politicians, rulers be demons, using guile to the languages of religion to unleash the ambitions and greed.
See, think and fair in assessing ... greed rotten politicians and the press play in reporting, making our eyes closed to see the truth ...
In fact ... all religions teach us love and protect other people ...
And when you condemned the religious beliefs of the others ... that's when you have insulted the religion of your own !