
Topic: Are terrorists only muslim in religion? - page 4. (Read 42444 times)

Activity: 4760
Merit: 1283

You worry too much about the Jews. Who cares if they dominate politics in your country?  How does this affect you?
If you remove all the Jews someone will replace them.  Be careful what you wish for.  You need smart people to run a country not just anyone who hates Jews.  This was tried before with terrible results.

I've been sent to war to fight and die for these assholes and their pet projects...or at least forced into active duty for that purpose after I did my three years.  That no longer being a threat to me personally, I've got family who have been severely injured both psychologically and physically for that reason, and others who are getting up to military age.  I could go on and on about reasons why I do care about who controls my country and how it impacts me personally.  The ways are endless.

And I would say that if anything there is a reverse correlation between IQ and decency when we are up into the genius ranges.  You want Ted Kaczynski running your country?  Or Bobby Fischer?  Highly intelligent people seem to often consider themselves a different race or species or something and it factors into what they consider ethical...if they bother with ethics at all.

As for 'the Jews', they seem pretty fixated on the 'blood ties' (genetics) and the IQ thing, and much 'scientific inquiry' has gone toward these subjects.  The consensus is that the mean IQ is 112, but I think that is only the Ashkenazim (who in my experience rarely hesitate to inform others that the Safardi are stupid like the goy.)  OK, 112.  Big deal.

Most literate people for the last 100 years have read 'The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion', and even in the (Jew run) Soviet Union where possessing a copy would get you a bullet in the head.  Whoever wrote that thing be it an 'Elder of Zion', a member of the czar's secret police, or the Easter Bunny WAS a genius of high order.  The work contained a string of brilliancies.  One of these was that the goy are really not very far behind 'the Jews', and if the goy figured that out it would spell trouble.  Most of the 'jewish' advantage lies in a certain fanatical dedication to a purpose, and different ethical frames of reference.

It is interesting to see within the last several months a dedicated propaganda campaign on all of the expected outlets to reinforce the concept of Ashkenazi intellectual superiority.  Got you af_ in a big way it looks least in your cucky goy persona.  Let's play some more on this assumption.  Do you think that you will gain any graces from the intellectual giants for your services?  I don't think so.  In their eyes you are an annoying little dog who is trying to hump their leg.  (Assuming their Masaiach ushers in the Jew World Order,) you'll likely have it worse even worse than a self respecting person who takes a stand even if it is a somewhat antagonistic one.

I agree with one thing: Judaism is a very supremacist ideology (like the rest of major religions).  Us vs them type of a deal.

Christians go all over the world trying to 'save' people and ethnicity doesn't seem to matter to much to a lot of them.  They also go to dirt poor places so I don't think it is about the money either.  The most populous Islamic country is Indonesia and it is hard to argue that they have 'blood ties' to some middle eastern tribe of antiquity so I don't think that they Muslims harbor a particular ethnic purity principle as part of their religion.  It's obviously quite different with Jews.  They are exclusive and don't welcome outsiders (though if you have money you have some chance of at least being able to be called a Jew for public consumption (see, Ivanka Trump).)  It's even illegal for a Jew to marry a non-Jew in Israel without special permission.  Presumably to keep the bloodline pure...or something which is much to complex for my goyish mind I suppose.

Back to the 'axe to grind' thing, I don't like bigots, I don't like bullies, and I don't like ethnic supremacists.  Jews who exhibit these characteristics, and there are plenty, are not my kind of people.

As for ISIS being run by Jews, that is not really true.   Do you really think Arabs are that stupid?  Mind you their average IQ is 30-40 points lower than the Jews, but you would have to fool all Muslims around the world to go along with this suicide mission.
I don't think it is reasonable to think that anyone can pull off such a stunt.

ISIS followers are true Muslims like the followers of Muhammad, they follow Islam without questioning or interpreting Quran.

You have to understand one thing:  when you are in the 140+ IQ range, you understand what is the true function of nationalism, patriotism, religion and politics.  You don't really believe in any of these concepts.  You can play along for personal financial gain or power, but deep down you don't believe in any of these artificial constructs.

No I don't think that Arabs are that stupid which is why I've heard nothing but disdain for ISIS from any credible Arab source and it is the reason why it is Arabs who are actually fighting them.  It's Israel who provides ISIS with close air support and with medical treatment when Arabs shoot them.  Granted, Saudi gives ISIS weapons, but they are in partnership with Israel and the U.S., and are certainly well aware of what ISIS is and are by no means fooled.

We all bleed red blood.  We all are mammals, part of the apes family.  We all rot the same when we die.

That I do agree with.

Activity: 4760
Merit: 1283

All countries run their disinformation operations, have spies all over the world.  You think Russia, China, UK, EU are not doing it?  Think again.
They infiltrate foreign governments, influence political discourse etc. to further their long-term goals.

Looks to me like you have an ax to grind with the Jews.

Most countries by count do not have very robust and/or far reaching 'dis-information' operations simply because the risk/reward is not there.  Larger countries often do, though it tends to be moderated by the fear of retribution.  Most focus their defense resources on their primary threat which is almost always their own population.  The main reason it is not the case with the U.S. is that we are so involved all around the world that efforts in these projects outweigh even the huge investment in the burgeoning internal police state infrastructure (which is for some reason always under control of a Zionist over the last several presidencies and the position is jealously guarded.)  Anyway, if Russia (for example) blows the whistle on something like 9/11 which they certainly know all about we would retaliate in kind and blow the whistle on their operations against their people.

Yes, I do have an 'ax to grind' with 'the Jews.'  I feel that factions of them have way way to much influence over various aspects of my country and are using it in ways which are counter-productive to the direction I'd like to see our country go.  I also feel that Talmudic philosophy is unusually disgusting and it is leaving a giant brown stain on our nation.  If I felt that Gambians were doing this I'd have the same ax to grind with the Gambians.

Saying that all the terrorism committed by Muslims in the name of Islam is somehow orchestrated by Jews is just demented, IMHO.

What is next?  ISIS is also run by Jews?  What about Iran?  Also run by Jews?

LOL!  You mean the ISIS 'run' by al-Baghdadi (b. Simon Elliot?)  The ISIS who in the early days was recognizable by their brand new uniforms and vehicles?  The ISIS that currently exist only where they surrounded and protected by American forces in a few pockets around Syria and right next to the Israeli occupied Golan Heights?  The ISIS who cross back into Israel for medical treatment?

Dude, everyone who is serious at all knows that ISIS is a mercenary force managed and paid for by some combination of Syria's enemies and Israel is likely to be a, if not the, primary organizer.  To the extent that the U.S. is involved, it is at the behest of the neocons who are mostly Jewish and all are fixated on the greater Israel project.  Another factor is that most of our politicians are heavily influenced by AIPAC and other (often Jewish oriented) funding in the best case.  Other reasons would be that mossad has video proof of them fucking little kids on Epstein's pedo island.

I watched the legal footwork and funding for so-called ISIS go through, and watched the CIA run training camps being set up in Jordan and Turkey before they settled on the name 'ISIS'.

As for Iran, some minority of researchers claim that Israel was behind the revolution which took out the Shah, but I've not seen convincing evidence for this.  And I've looked around a bit.  I don't rule it in or rule it out at this point.

Activity: 4760
Merit: 1283

What the hell are you talking about? I am a fucking Atheist (recovering Christian) you little twit.  I despise all religions for their supremacists views, for their Bronze Age morals and for their inability to reason. Religiosity is a mental disorder.

Calling me or the guy in the video a Jew (or working for the Jewish 'agenda') tells me you might be mentally ill.

If you've been paying attention at all (and don't drool while you are awake) you'll be familiar with such operations as the JIDF and their social engineering methods such as gaining control of aspects of wikipedia which are of interest to their tribe.

Also, whistleblowers who've worked for dis-info farms mention that pro-Jewish causes are a big part of their workload.

Also Harvard professor and Obama appointee to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (((Cass Sunstein))) has written in some detail about how to use social media and 'cognitive dissonance' to change opinion and quash badthink.  Methods include troll armies and infiltration operations.  He didn't invent this stuff at all  Another Jew working for HB Gary Federal was exposed doing such shit over a decade ago and pocketing a ton of my tax dollars in doing so.  This was found out when their e-mail got hacked at about the same time as the various pro-Zionist wikipedia operations where going strong and started to get exposed.

In a more recent event there were a spate of 'bomb threats' or whatever against synagogues.  The easiest prediction ever was that it was a Jew, or group of them, doing the threats.  Sure enough it was.  Of course this false-flag element didn't stop the government from handing out a whole bunch more of my tax dollars to 'protect' religious institutions against 'hate crimes', nor did it stop the Jewish ones from getting most of the money.

One of the favorite high-priority projects is to try to inculcate the goy with the idea that terrorism is an Islamic thing.  When I noticed this thread I anticipated with high accuracy what it was about and some of the players who I'd be likely to see.

To be aware of these things which have been going on for almost two decades at least is not at all a marker of 'mental illness'...though another Jewish operation is to get anyone saying anything they don't like classified as mentally ill and/or a thought criminal.  People can and do get thrown in jail regularly in totalitarian cuck states like Germany and Australia for intellectually challenging Jews and their projects.  There is a strong push to get that to happen here in the U.S. (first amendment be damned) and it is bearing some fruit as evidenced by the recent 'antisemitism' laws in South Carolina.  Naturally questioning policy decisions of the state of Israel, such as their decision to shoot unarmed kids across the border fence, is a no-no.

So yes, I might be 'mentally ill' by some people's and some jurisdiction's standards just by being somewhat aware of what's going on and having the balls to say something about it.

No point to argue with you about the facts.

Actually, the manual that paid trolls use is reported to contain instructions for when you are getting your ass beat on a thread.  It is basically to go ad hominem (e.g., 'you little twit') then bow out before more damage is done.  Just sayin'

Activity: 4760
Merit: 1283

LOL.  And Jews were also responsible for the invasion of India where 20% of the global population was slaughtered by Muslims?


Turn on English subtitles because I'm pretty sure you do not know Arabic.

Watched a little, but it was boring and in the same genera as the thousands of similar Zionist produced pieces trying to blame the Muslims for everything.  Even the simpletons among the goy are seeing through it more and more.

Of course 'Muslims' killed a lot of people historically since some of the most successful empires were operated by people of that persuasion.  Big deal.  Frankly I don't see a lot of difference between Jews and Muslims.  Talk the same, write the same, don't eat pork, practice genital mutilation, etc, etc.  This makes some sense in that Islam seems to be a fairly recent 'fork' off Judaism.  When Christ forked 2000 years ago he called out the 'oral torah' scumbags for their evil crap and tried to lead his people in a different direction...which explains the homicidal hatred that some Jews still have for Christians.  I honestly don't know if Mohamed did likewise since I've not studied the religion much, but a lot of them do seem to be a lot more 'jewy' in certain unpleasant ways.

As for Jews hiring Jews, well, if you are smart you will look for smart people, chances are in your favor if you hire from high IQ groups (Europeans, Asians and Jews) not from central Africa or Latin America.

Smart decision makers do not care if you are Jew, German, Chinese, Korean, Japanese or Russian, as long as you provide a good value, you'll be hired.

The average IQ hiring manager will prefer their own tribe, but the smart one will pick candidates from the right tribe.  If you are from central Africa or Latin America where average IQ is around 85, you know what to expect form your tribe, so you'll look elsewhere.  

BTW, all these national, tribal classifications are made up, a complete BS.   If you are smart (you'll not care about your religious or ethnic tribe), you'll be successful, and you will be serving no Jew, Christian or Muslim.  You'll be your own boss.

If you are an average schmuck, well, you don't even know what is happening to you and why.  You will look for reasons, and you will find someone (Jews, Whites, Immigrants, Republicans, Democrats etc.) to blame for your predicament.

I suspect that you are a Jew and are shilling hard.  Lieing about such a thing is unimaginable to a lot of the simple goyim, but those of us who've been around for a while and studied things understand that it is not just a right but a duty for Jews to lie to the goy if it seems to further the goals of the tribe.  And some take great pleasure in it and in the reinforcement of theme that Jews are intellectually superior since stupid goy believe their bullshit.  Again, more and more 'the goy know.'  The disadvantage of such a strategy is that when Netinyahoo gives a presentation everyone who is anyone knows he is mostly full of shit.  When al-Assad (both father and son) says something a person can take it to the bank.

But since you want to pass yourself as a fully cucked goy, I'll play along.  You know, I hope, that many many Jews are at least familiar with the concept that after the arrival of their Mashiach the goy will be slaves to the Jew.  Each Jew will have 2800 goy servants according to some sects like the various Hasidim, and these sects like Chabad-Lubavitch are quite influential...especially with Putin and Trump.  Don't believe me about what Jews know?  Watch some of Gil-Schuster's on-the-street interviews and/or watch some of the Rabbinical lectures on jewtube.  The somewhat more decent Jews explain it as being morally OK because the goy will recognize the superiority of the Jews and their wisdom and _want_ to have them as masters and in control of the world.  Your 'af_cucky' persona fits right in here.

I will hand it to the Jews in that they don't sit on their asses waiting for divine intervention.  They are revolutionary people of action, and in one of their pro-active programs have successfully cucked the living shit out of a bunch of mouth-breathing goy like the so-called Christian Zionists who, in addition to being some of the stupidest motherfuckers on earth, they are also among the most awful.  Lots of them are calling for nuking Israel's (supposed) adversaries.

As for the workplace, my experience and observation is that Jews tend to have a good track record starting and growing successful companies in certain critical areas such as social media.  A little to good, perhaps, which makes things like the Talpiot 'conspiracy theory' a point of interest.  Even here, though, 99% of the actual work is done by goy.  Often red-dots and chi-coms, and when a company is not started and grown by a member of God's chosen tribe it can be gobbled up with money.  When your tribe owns the monetary system money is really no issue.


Nothing above will be new to a lot of Jews, but I'll throw in a little something which may be:  The relationship between the Jews more associated with Jerusalem and those more associated with Babylon has at times been one of competition and simmering bad blood.  Who has the upper hand at the moment?  Well, which Talmud is mostly used?  Jerusalem could very well be 'burnt offerings 2.0' in the making.  My friendly suggestion would be to look into it.  Especially before deciding to make Aliyah.

jr. member
Activity: 38
Merit: 1
Are terrorists only muslim in religion?

The definition of a terrorists should be based on what the various dictionaries define it as and not based on our own biases and personal sentiments.
If this is actually going to be followed strictly, then society and the international community will realize that there exist many muslims who  live lives that do not match the sweeping statement or ideology of muslims being terrorists.
Activity: 4760
Merit: 1283

'cop-out' isn't really the right word since I don't have any desire or need to let the Muslims off the hook for anything.  It's my honest analysis which has evolved over years of research.  ...

I think you resent Jews because they are successful in whatever they touch.

Think what you like.  I happen to have a higher IQ than most Jews, and am significantly more 'successful'.  And my dick still works for normal intercourse with an adult female since nobody mutilated it.  In short, I personally don't have much to resent, but I feel bad for my fellow goyim who do.

You should be looking up to Jews to see why they are so successful.  Maybe there is something in their culture that helps them raise their average IQ, instill ambition and drive in their children.

The data is clear.  How many Jewish Nobel prize winners do we have? How many Jews do we have?  What about patents?  Technology startups?  Medicine? Banking?  Politics?  Need I go on?

A lot of the 'success' is easily explained by tribal nepotism, and by techniques outlined in the Talmud to which normal 'Christian' (and Budist and Hindu, etc, etc) people have no defense.  Contrary to the Jewish assumption, it's not because these goy are stupid.  It's just that they don't assume a particular brand of nastiness and treachery and are not prepared for it.

One hypothesis about the IQ thing is that Rabbinical families inbred like crazy in order to produce successful Rabbinical scholars.  It worked, but also produced psychopathy at an alarming rate.

All of these things along with the general parasitazation of the goyim and their societies combine to get Jews kicked out of an amazing number of countries through history.  That is very understandable and to be honest, it really doesn't reflect all that badly on the hosts.  It mostly means that they had at one time a functional immune system and a sense of self-preservation.

I studied with Jews and I can tell you they are very dedicated to what they do, their work ethic is out of this world.  I enjoyed working with them because I felt I found equals.

Instead of dissing them, people should be looking up to them and copy them.  Without ambitious, driven people (like Jews) humanity would not be where it is today.  They have made significant contributions to humanity.

I've worked with Jewish people and very often enjoyed their company and discussing things with them.  Sometimes they were good workers and sometimes not so much.  Some of them were good performers, but usually not as good as they imagined themselves.

I also grew up among 'hippies' who were more often than not Jews and none of them were 'evil' as more isolated and less experienced goy sometimes imagine.  The Anthony Weiner and Harvey Weinstein types are absolutely not representative of Jews in general, but as with any group, it is generally the true scum who rise to the top.  A lot of Jews will agree that psychopathy is more prevalent among Jews for whatever reason, and again for whatever reason Jews are dis-proportionally represented in a variety of areas, so it's not surprising that every time one turns around there is a Jewish slimeball getting busted for something nasty.

What did Arabs or Muslims do?  Saudi Arabia was trading slaves until 1962.

The distinctly Jewish makeup of the Bolshevik revolution and Soviet governments has been totally erased from mainstream textbooks so most people are surprised.  Similarly, the Jewish involvement in both slave ownership in the Americas and the slave trade has been memory-holed.  When one looks into the Talmud and the fundamental idea that God put non-Jews on earth to serve the Jews, this history (and current practice) of exploitation makes perfect sense.

As for Saudi Arabia, I'm suspicious that perhaps it is run by crypto-Jews as some people say.  That would explain why Wahhabist SA and Zionist Israel tend to get along so swimmingly.  Same basic ethical foundation.  Turkey and their Donmeh 'Young Turks' the same.  Since Jews (or at least certain fringe sects like the Frankists) have been run out of so many places it has been fairly common for them to practice their particularities in secret and hide out in the shadows.  Turns out that this is an outstanding way to gain power in political environments, and sometimes simply take over completely.

Activity: 4760
Merit: 1283
Most 'Islamic terrorism' is a direct result of Western cultivation. ...

That is a cop-out.

What is next?  Are you going to say that Jews wrote Quran?

Islam is a supremacist ideology.  Just like Judaism.

Without religions world would a better place IMHO.

'cop-out' isn't really the right word since I don't have any desire or need to let the Muslims off the hook for anything.  It's my honest analysis which has evolved over years of research.  My contention could be overstated, but it's certainly not dead wrong.  A competing hypothesis is that the Roman Catholic church is running the show.  Or the Illuminati.  Or the potato-head shape-shifting reptilian aliens for that matter.  To me, based on the basic principles of means, motive, and opportunity and based on observations of the monetary system and current events, the 'it's the Jews' hypothesis holds up the best.  Provides 'the most explanatory and predictive power.'

I'm prepared to believe that 'the Jews' wrote the Scofield reference bible (or more accurately, they commissioned it) which is where the whole rapture bullshit originated.  Along with it, rabid support for Israel and a fierce desire for them to get their 42 months with their anti-Christ or whatever.  Total sham, but highly useful to the Zionist state.  If someone comes up with convincing info that 'the Jews' wrote the Quran, I'll entertain it.  Certainly I wouldn't put it past them, and they are totally behind political Islam and make great use of it with their Wahhabi pals in Saudi and their ISIS pals (who, thankfully, are becoming extinct in Syria as they move downward 6 feet or onward to Europe.)

As for religion generally, I (as a hard-core athiest) don't have anything against it.  And most average people use it to the betterment of their respective societies most of the time.  The prime offenders in modern times are 'Jews', and specifically those who've moved past the Torah and derive inspiration from the Talmud and the Zohar (though plenty of their goyim sheep have been conditioned to do the same at this point.)

Activity: 4760
Merit: 1283
Most 'Islamic terrorism' is a direct result of Western cultivation.  That's why you'll find curriculum for the madrassas in printed in the USA.  And most of this 'Western' activity is directed and funded by 'the Jews' who have the most to gain from it.  They get flooded with money, sympathy, arms, etc, and the Western bullet stoppers do their work for them so few if any of 'the chosen people' need to risk life and limb to achieve their territorial goals these days.  Good thing too since Hezbollah showed them who's boss last time they tried.

Hamas was started by Zionist intelligence in case the operation of subverting the PLO leadership failed (it didn't.)  Now every time Israeli wants to scratch their ethnic cleansing itch they have Hamas launch a few bottle rockets.

Israel tries to maintain a facade of military prowess for a wide range of strategic psychological reasons.  Since the Zionist controlled pretty much all media (including even RT and PressTV), a 8 year old kid with a rock becomes an Islamic radical with a WMD by the time it hits the American news stand, and poor little Israel is winning against this terrible threat with the help of God who loves his chosen race.  Fortunately more and more people are awake to the fact that no, they just sniped a 21 year old female medic and a kid with a rock from the safety of their border fence and it hardly makes them brave and strong.

Given the Jewish influence in the Western governments and all of the false flags and terrorist cultivation, I think it a fair question to ask 'Are terrorists only Talmudic in religion?'  For my part I would not answer 'only', but I would say that it is one hell of a lot.

Just recently it seems like there is a strategy on the part of Israel to be so grossly evil and awful that it makes me suspicious.  Not sure who that would benefit and how.  One hypothesis is to make the fence-sitters so terrified of feedback from the majority decent world that they will opt for support of a global depopulation event and ushering in of the so-called 'new world order' just to preserve their own 'descendant of David' skin.

The people I feel bad for are the decent (majority) in Israel who detest what is going on and would like to leave, but most countries won't take them because they are hated and distrusted on account of their Talmudic association.  I have sympathy for these people because I am an American who is also painted with the same brush.  Hopefully they in Israel and we in the US can turn things around before it's to late, but I'm not terribly confident about this.  We both seem to be going backward.

Activity: 3346
Merit: 1352
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
My answer is FEW MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS BUT THERE ARE TERROR GROUPS FROM OTHER REGIONS AS WELL. Its just the media that highlights acts of terror being committed by Muslims and those by non Muslims are ignored in entirety. Some of the non Muslim terror groups are as under:

1.  Aum Shinrikyo:  Founded by Japanese dooms day cult and comprising of elements from Hinduism and Buddhism.
2.  Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam: Founded in 1970 to fight for separate homeland for Tamil minority of Sri Lanka.
3.  National Liberation Army Columbia:  Leftist Guerrilla group that advocates for establishment of Christian communist regime.
4.  Shining Path: Guerrilla Rebel Organisation founded in 1970 by Guzman (a philosophy teacher) who wanted to replace Bourgeois Democracy.
5.  Revolutionary Struggle:  Greek group founded in 2003 and was notorious for its attacks on Greek government buildings and US Embassy in Athens.

The above mentioned organisations are just a few, while the list continues to grow longer.

None of these organizations are based on religion. You have given a list of some ethnic militias and Marxist militias. The LTTE wants an independent homeland for the Tamils and many observers regard it as a regular militia rather than a terrorist organization.
Activity: 2044
Merit: 1008
My answer is FEW MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS BUT THERE ARE TERROR GROUPS FROM OTHER REGIONS AS WELL. Its just the media that highlights acts of terror being committed by Muslims and those by non Muslims are ignored in entirety. Some of the non Muslim terror groups are as under:

1.  Aum Shinrikyo:  Founded by Japanese dooms day cult and comprising of elements from Hinduism and Buddhism.
2.  Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam: Founded in 1970 to fight for separate homeland for Tamil minority of Sri Lanka.
3.  National Liberation Army Columbia:  Leftist Guerrilla group that advocates for establishment of Christian communist regime.
4.  Shining Path: Guerrilla Rebel Organisation founded in 1970 by Guzman (a philosophy teacher) who wanted to replace Bourgeois Democracy.
5.  Revolutionary Struggle:  Greek group founded in 2003 and was notorious for its attacks on Greek government buildings and US Embassy in Athens.

The above mentioned organisations are just a few, while the list continues to grow longer.

Your post doesn't makes any sense. Aum Shinrikyo is a cult and it is not based on any religion. The LTTE is an ethno-centric organization and it doesn't support any particular religion. The ELN is a Marxist militia group, which is mostly supported by the peasants and laborers. It doesn't enjoy the support of any particular religious group. Shining Path and Revolutionary Struggle are very similar to the ELN.
Activity: 29
Merit: 0
My answer is FEW MUSLIMS ARE TERRORISTS BUT THERE ARE TERROR GROUPS FROM OTHER REGIONS AS WELL. Its just the media that highlights acts of terror being committed by Muslims and those by non Muslims are ignored in entirety. Some of the non Muslim terror groups are as under:

1.  Aum Shinrikyo:  Founded by Japanese dooms day cult and comprising of elements from Hinduism and Buddhism.
2.  Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam: Founded in 1970 to fight for separate homeland for Tamil minority of Sri Lanka.
3.  National Liberation Army Columbia:  Leftist Guerrilla group that advocates for establishment of Christian communist regime.
4.  Shining Path: Guerrilla Rebel Organisation founded in 1970 by Guzman (a philosophy teacher) who wanted to replace Bourgeois Democracy.
5.  Revolutionary Struggle:  Greek group founded in 2003 and was notorious for its attacks on Greek government buildings and US Embassy in Athens.

The above mentioned organisations are just a few, while the list continues to grow longer.
Activity: 2926
Merit: 1386
Terrorists are not only Muslims in religion  but judging from the other fact all over the world the terrorist groups are 95% Muslims. I taking  Nigeria as a case study ;the bombings and killings are carried out  my Muslim.... So to me I will say terrorists are mainly Muslims in religion.

Also, we need to distinguish religion-based terrorism from other forms of terrorism. There are a lot of non-Muslim terrorist groups around the world. ELN and AUC of Colombia are perfect examples. But they don't want to kill those who don't believe in their religion.

There is simply no terrorist group intent on world dominion, present in almost all of the countries of the world, and practicing terrorism in most of the countries in the world, other than Islamic terrorism.

It's simply not possible to consider Islamic terrorism as other than part and parcel of Islam. Islam's stated goal is world dominion with an Islamic state, a Caliphate. Lying is okay to help achieve this goal, such as the rampant lying in this thread.
Activity: 3346
Merit: 1352
Leading Crypto Sports Betting & Casino Platform
Terrorists are not only Muslims in religion  but judging from the other fact all over the world the terrorist groups are 95% Muslims. I taking  Nigeria as a case study ;the bombings and killings are carried out  my Muslim.... So to me I will say terrorists are mainly Muslims in religion.

Also, we need to distinguish religion-based terrorism from other forms of terrorism. There are a lot of non-Muslim terrorist groups around the world. ELN and AUC of Colombia are perfect examples. But they don't want to kill those who don't believe in their religion.
Activity: 6
Merit: 0
Terrorists are not only Muslims in religion  but judging from the other fact all over the world the terrorist groups are 95% Muslims. I taking  Nigeria as a case study ;the bombings and killings are carried out  my Muslim.... So to me I will say terrorists are mainly Muslims in religion.
Activity: 2926
Merit: 1386
Like i have stated before on this forum , muslims believe they amount of attrocities committed in the name of Allah determines their reward in heaven, hence their willingness and zeal to cause mayhem on all those who do not believe in their cause, but hypothetically speaking, not all terrorist group are all muslims but majority of them are. In my country Nigeria for instance we have the Niger Delta Avengers who are not muslims. Trump decision to ban islam in America is not 100% a right decision, labelling all islamist terrorist is not the right way to go. Islam is a religion of peace, just that its followers are misinterpreting it doctrines, belief and what it stands for.

He didn't.
jr. member
Activity: 224
Merit: 2
Like i have stated before on this forum , muslims believe they amount of attrocities committed in the name of Allah determines their reward in heaven, hence their willingness and zeal to cause mayhem on all those who do not believe in their cause, but hypothetically speaking, not all terrorist group are all muslims but majority of them are. In my country Nigeria for instance we have the Niger Delta Avengers who are not muslims. Trump decision to ban islam in America is not 100% a right decision, labelling all islamist terrorist is not the right way to go. Islam is a religion of peace, just that its followers are misinterpreting it doctrines, belief and what it stands for.
Activity: 48
Merit: 0
Making explosives is easy as hell, an average person just won't know what dairy products to mix and at what proportions.
That's the major problem about terrorism; it's cheap as cheap can be. A few liters of "some stuff", a bag of rusty nails and you're good to go. The most "expensive" piece is the idiot to blow himself along with it.
On the other hand monitoring terrorism is extremely costly and hard to do.
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Not every muslim is terrorist, but almost every terrorist is muslim!

Couldn't put it any better than this. 99.99% of the religion-based terrorism in the world is perpetrated by the Muslim groups. There are very rare exceptions such as the now defunct Irish Republican Army and the Lords Resistance Army.
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Okay, so... Terrorism is a form of warfare that comes from a very difficult region with a very complex modern history, Middle East, there are many rival countries in the Middle East and the foreigner intervention is also great, in the Middle East is where most of the world's oil is. So for a bunch of reasons terrorists are mostly muslims, because such radicalism has born in the Middle East for a bunch of political reasons, and we all know Islam is the religion majority in the Middle East.
Activity: 31
Merit: 0
Not every muslim is terrorist, but almost every terrorist is muslim!
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