In the 1960s there were two superpowers. One superpower had ensured the possibility of eliminating the other and vice versa. This nuclear "balance of terror" that humanity has experienced so strongly with the missile crisis in Cuba 1962, was created a situation which was called MAD, or Mutually Assured Destruction. Nowadays, USA and Russia ensure a different way with a kind of balance of terror in Syria. Under this light is difficult someone to believe that both of them are friends. Is not that right?
So called "mutually assured destruction" ultimately served only to pacify groups, not individuals.
Today the focus is increasingly to "suicide bombers" i.e., a natural threat that has existed since before humanity, rather than to artificial political things like m.a.d.
When you read about "suicide bombers" it is usually an article that discredits or mocks them, which is good as it discourages copycats, but if somebody does not understand the basis for the psychology of "suicide bombers" then they are missing history, and that is a lot of people.
A society cannot exist unless it has the mentality among its citizens of an archetypal "suicide bomber". When a people is pacified to the extent that the archetype is not visible then invariably it leads to a sort of natural purge in that society i.e., turmoil etc.
The nonsense of 'Russia vs the U.S.' or 'country a vs country b' is very dangerous in today's world.