Apply crypto directly to fighting for your rights. How? Start an altcoin that has a written contract embedded right in its core, so that when anybody uses it, he is accepting membership in a private membership association (PMA). Why? Here's why.
Government has only one basic purpose. This is to protect the public. Government is restrict by law, court case, and Constitution/Amendments, and court interpretations, to not mess with people in their privacy. Sure, government people often overstep their bounds. And the reason they often win when they do this, is that people acting privately don't know how to fight them privately.
But when you have a PMA, written out, with all your ducks in a row, your privacy is the thing that is upheld by government, against anybody (especially law enforcement and government officials) who attempt to mess with you for what you do in private. In other words, you can become the government over formal government officials at times.
This doesn't mean that you can form a PMA that allows you to harm anybody or damage his property. PMAs can only be formed for good things, to build up the people.
Why form an altcoin-PMA? Because of the reason Bitcoin was made by Satoshi in the first place... to fight the injustices of the fiat money system.
Back in the infancy of our country, a strong economy that was controlled by almost dictatorial, non-government people was essential for making the nation strong. We don't need to be part of that club any longer. It is helping the greedy rich to ruin us. And we know what happens when we try to start up a public, alternate form of money. Government regulates us to shut it down, and even puts us in prison for doing so.
But it would be different for an altcoin-PMA. Why? Look at the strength that public Bitcoin has... and the altcoins that exist... even though none of them are PMA. Add PMA to an altcoin, and government will require itself to remain hands-off, except where there is proof of harm or damage done among members of the PMA. And the members, themselves, will have to petition government for judgment. Government won't be able to simply jump in on their own, because it is private.
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