Paying >200satoshi/byte started to hurt me very badly. I have to move my coins from one address to another from time to time because those small incomes which i collect from here and there create many inputs in time and i don't want to look at a 100$ fee in some day.
I guess some of you guys still don't know how to abuse viabtc. Well i'll tell you:
Viabtc has 100 free slots for every hour. All you gotta do is wait for hh:00:00 and submit your txid right away. So you'll be accepted in the next block. No captcha solving, no waiting. Here you go.
not that simple, i guess someone is runnign a both there that solve captcha(there are captcha to solve) and can insert transaction faster than you
or those chinese at 2captcha are solving captcha for soemone that want his TX confirmed faster at low cost
they should really add another transaction accelerator, or increase the limit, if they have a deals with the miners, would be good for both party