1. Here is another awesome painting by coin_artist (of Andreas Antonopoulos); it appeared in a recent article in Bitcoin Magazine: http://bitcoinmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/aantop_border-498x620.png. She's definitely thinking in 1's and 0's.
2. We know she communicates with us via the blockchain, primarily from 1BoRHtJva2L9YyqB1aS1zqgFUjjftNuZtJ but she could also be sending from other addresses.
It's interesting (and important for guidance or her response to our guessing) to watch the communication via https://blockchain.info/address/1HXUobwcB19cGDrghuh42HDdJdJvrJUEra?offset=0&filter=0
Yesterday she sent amounts starting at .023 btc, then .022, then .021...counting down to .013. Then stopped. When a poster cleverly asked for help in his bitcoin addresses on the blockchain: "what do the red and green dots mean," her amounts counted down again, from .012 to .001. [She left out .008, .005, .003--could have been purposely or problems in sending.] Then .023, then .001, as if to reiterate or make clear.
Later today she sent .005 (perhaps because she had meant to send .005 yesterday but not sure [not sure of anything!].)
There are 23 rows in the grid. Is she implying that we need to read the dots (or the text?) from bottom to top (from 23 to 1)? We are behind the looking glass, after all. There could be some reversals, as many have surmised.
the artist is a woman