I mean instead of Laffe The Fox, try Laffe the Fox or Laffe the fox
arg and Prospero tried a ton of variations last night (see post #1601). I only posted a limited set of what I'd tried, here's some more examples of what I've checked:
Laffe the Fox - Alone in Outer Space
Laffe The Fox - Alone in Outer Space
Laffe The Fox - Alone In Outer Space
Laffe Alone in Outer Space
Laffe Alone in Outer Space.
Laffe Alone In Outer Space
Laffe the Fox Alone in Outer Space
Laffe the Fox Alone In Outer Space
Laffe The Fox Alone In Outer Space
Laffe the Fox Alone in Outer Space.
Laffe the Fox Alone In Outer Space.
Laffe The Fox Alone In Outer Space.
Laffe the fox left alone in outer space
Laffe the fox left alone in outer space.
Laffe the Fox left alone in outer space
Laffe the Fox left alone in outer space.
Laffe The Fox left alone in outer space
Laffe The Fox left alone in outer space.
Left alone in outer space
Left alone in outer space.
There's been no consistency to spacing or capitalization in the pre-hashed passwords to date, so several people have already been attacking that with a brute force stick.