yes it's the passphrase.
you use the one that you used to register the delegate.
Cool, thanks.
My node is up but it show my delegate is not online. Log show;
[inf] 2017-03-29 02:15:53 | Found common block 10625 with
[inf] 2017-03-29 02:15:53 | Loading blocks from:
[inf] 2017-03-29 02:15:55 | Blockchain not ready to receive block - {"id":"11653836166444526950","height":77339,"lastBlockHeight":10626,"peer":""}
Is this normal?
yup normal, current height is what block we are on, last block height means how much of hte blockchain you have downloaded.
When lastblockheight is the same as height you will see yourself start forging when your turn comes up that round.