I was still concerned with Armory still only showing 117519 blocks, so I closed it and rebooted Windows. Now that everything is back up and running (bitcoin-qt and Armory), Armory still only shows 117519 blocks and my wallet balance is 0. What happened to that .05 BTC?
Also, Armory somewhat regularly locks at 90-100% CPU usage for a minute or two. Windows says it is Not Responding, but if I wait the couple minutes it comes back to life only to do it again later.
Unfortunately, I can't comment on how Armory behaves behind proxies and/or Tor. However, if it stops loading at the same block every time, my guess is it's reading an old blk0001.dat file, and actually has nothing to do with the proxy. Do you keep your bitcoind/-qt datadir somewhere other than the default location? If I had to guess, I'd say you used to have bitcoin-qt in the default location, and later moved it out.
If so, use the " --satoshi-datadir=/path/to/bitcoinqt/homedir" to tell Armory where to find it. This is because Armory requires the blk000X.dat files created by the currently-running version of bitcoin-qt.
The transaction showed up in Armory because it saw the zero-confirmation tx forwarded by bitcoind. But it will never see it enter the blockchain, because it's stuck on block 117,519, and obviously your tx is going to enter the blockchain much later than that.
Yeah, if Armory could specify the port it uses to connect to bitcoin-qt, I think we could continue to use Tor and Armory. Anyway, that wasn't the cause of my problem. I hadn't changed the datadir, but it looks like my blkxxxx.dat files must have been corrupt. I wiped out my datadir, redownloaded the whole blockchain (what a PITA!!) and now Armory comes up Online with the correct number of blocks. And, it shows my 0.05 BTC balance. Now I can start digging into this app. So far, it looks very impressive.