The Armory GUI isn't completely visible on my 7-inch eeepc (for offline wallet). I can work around it sorta but it might be nice to have a scrollbar or something.
You can't resize the window? Are there windows that can't be made small enough? For a while, this was an issue and I thought I had fixed it. But I guess not.
Let me know what windows are problematic, I'll be sure to make the resizing & layouts more flexible.
I've also found the "Transaction Info" window can't be resized, makes it very difficult to see all the outputs for a transaction. Having this window resizeable would be great.
Alright, I'll spend some time playing with Armory in a VM with 1024x600 resolution. I'm sure the issues will pop out.
I just got home from my vacation, and though my work-work is still going to be kind of intense, I will finally have some time to do real development again! The first thing will be to dig into the SelectCoins problem with the watching-only wallet I have. I will also inject Dooglus' blockchain utilities fix. I don't think it's going to fix the periodic crashes (once Armory is running), but it should make sure the scan works. Then I will release 0.82
FYI -- while I had downtime on vacation, I started playing around with LevelDB. I think I decided that changing the engine to maintain its own blockchain using leveldb is not only going to be extremely useful, but not terribly difficult either (the last round of blockchain engine updates properly modularized the blockchain management from the rest of the program).
--First and foremost, all these crashing issues can go away: I'm pretty sure they're related to "hacking" my way through the blk000X.dat files which are being maintained by another process out of my control (that's not to say I did it right or that it can't work, but it seems like an unnecessary situation).
--This also will allow users to connected to
any full node, as long as it is 100% trusted -- it doesn't have to be localhost. The downside is, if it is localhost, you'll be maintaining two copies of the blockchain.
--Start times will be near instantaneous -- as long as I'm storing blockchain data, I can easily store between-load information
--The new utilities will be designed with blockchain pruning in mind (my pruning method in particular, but any method that cares about separating out unspent TxOuts and possibly removing everything else). I don't plan to implement pruning yet, but I've already figured out how I can organize the data such that it will be minimal engine modifications to implement lightweight nodes and pruned nodes.
Faster! The benchmarks I ran showed that a full scan can be done in like 15s even on a non-SSD. Granted, that's when much of the file is cached by the OS already -- but it's still faster than what I've got right now which also should benefit from OS caching.
I know I keep pushing back beta -- but it's for a good reason: I think Beta is going to get a lot of attention, and I don't want 5 minute load-times and 700 MB RAM usage to be the focal point of the discussions/reviews. I think I can get all this implemented in a couple weeks, then a couple more weeks of testing. Then a few of Armory's achilles heels will be gone!