So, going back to one of my earlier questions ... is the 'send from'
feature (like the coderr patch in this thread :
anywhere on your list ? Is it hard to pull-off at the code level ?
I'd donate generously to see that happen ...
I spent some time putting together a script that will work with all versions of It works takes in a wallet object, a list of input addresses in that wallet, a list (recipient,value) pairs, the fee you are willing to pay, and then a change address (which can be none, and the wallet will generate a new address to use for change). It will even prompt you for your password if the wallet is encrypted.
It is heavily commented for educational purposes, and has lots of print statements so it looks about 3x the length it actually is! But you can reuse this code everywhere, so really it was just a matter of me spending the time to create a good example script for others...
-- First 100 lines is the actual, reusable function: takes inputs, loads blockchain, does calculations and error checking, prompts you if there's not enough fee, and prints out a shitload of information about your wallet and then returns the
unsigned transaction it is creating.
-- After that is the "main" function which actually uses it. It loads the wallet and creates inputs/outputs, executes the above function, then signs it with the wallet. It then displays the signed transaction both in raw hex (which can be copied directly into and the BIP 0010 format which can be copied into Armory "offline transactions" as if it was generated on an offline computer.
-- Alternatively, I could add a method to send it right there, but Armory networking relies on an event loop to be running, and for such a small script, I figured there was enough there already to keep you entertained for a while
Here's the code --
from armoryengine import *
from getpass import getpass
def createTxFromAddrList(walletObj, addrList, recipAmtPairList, \
fee=0, changeAddr=None):
Create an unsigned transaction. This method expects a wallet,
a list of addresses in that wallet, and then a list of recipients and
amounts to send each one.
You can either write it out explicitly -- 150000000
Or use floats and convert to long -- long(1.5*ONE_BTC)
You must also specify an address to which you want change sent. It will
only be used if necessary (i.e. if you don't specify your recip list to
exactly match inputs minus fees)
If no change address is specified, the next unused address will be
retrieved from the walletObj
if not TheBDM.isInitialized():
# Only executed on the first call if blockchain not loaded yet.
print '\nLoading blockchain...'
BDM_LoadBlockchainFile() # can add optional arg for blk0001.dat location
# Check that all addresses are actually in the specified wallet
for addr in addrList:
addr160 = addrStr_to_hash160(addr)
if not walletObj.hasAddr(addr160):
raise WalletAddressError, 'Address is not in wallet! [%s]' % addr
print '\nUpdating wallet from blockchain'
print 'Total Wallet Balance:',coin2str(walletObj.getBalance('Spendable'))
print '\nCollecting Unspent TXOut List...'
# getAddrTxOutList() returns a C++ vector object, which must
# be converted to a python object using the [:] notation: it's a weird
# consequence of mixing C++ code with python via SWIG...
utxoList = []
for addr in addrList:
addr160 = addrStr_to_hash160(addr)
unspentTxOuts = walletObj.getAddrTxOutList(addr160, 'Spendable')
# Display what we found
totalUtxo = sumTxOutList(utxoList)
totalSpend = sum([pair[1] for pair in recipList])
print 'Available: %d unspent outputs from %d addresses: %s BTC' % \
(len(utxoList), len(addrList), coin2str(totalUtxo, ndec=2))
# Print more detailed information
pprintUnspentTxOutList(utxoList, 'Available outputs: ')
# It's not dynamically customizable, yet. But you can
# go into and look for the WEIGHTS list
# around line 4550. Change the values to change the
# optimization.
# PySelectCoins() assumes that the remaining will be sent to a change addr
print 'Selecting coins based on unspent outputs, recipients, fee...'
selectedUtxoList = PySelectCoins(utxoList, totalSpend, fee)
print 'Checking that minimum required fee is satisfied for this tx...'
minValidFee = calcMinSuggestedFees(selectedUtxoList, totalSpend, fee)[1]
if minValidFee>fee:
print '***WARNING:'
print 'This transaction requires a fee of at least %s BTC' % coin2str(minValidFee)
print 'Sending of this transaction *will fail*. Will you increase the fee?'
confirm = raw_input('Increase Fee [Y/n]:')
if 'n' in confirm.lower():
print 'ABORTING'
return None
fee = minValidFee
selectedUtxoList = PySelectCoins(utxoList, totalSpend, fee)
# Convert address strings to Hash160 values (and make a copy, too)
recip160List = [(addrStr_to_hash160(pair[0]), pair[1]) for pair in recipList]
# Add a change output if necessary
totalSelect = sumTxOutList(selectedUtxoList)
totalChange = totalSelect - (totalSpend + fee)
if totalChange < 0:
print '***ERROR: you are trying to spend more than your balance!'
return None
elif totalChange!=0:
# Need to add a change output, get from wallet if necessary
if not changeAddr:
changeAddr = walletObj.getNextUnusedAddress().getAddrStr()
recip160List.append( (addrStr_to_hash160(changeAddr), totalChange) )
print 'Creating Distribution Proposal (just an unsigned transaction)...'
print [(hash160_to_addrStr(r),coin2str(v)) for r,v in recip160List]
txdp = PyTxDistProposal().createFromTxOutSelection(selectedUtxoList, recip160List)
return txdp
if __name__ == '__main__':
walletFile = 'armory_29KADwa1D_.wallet'
if not os.path.exists(walletFile):
raise FileExistsError, 'Wallet file does not exist! [%s]' % walletFile
wlt = PyBtcWallet().readWalletFile(walletFile)
# List of addresses in wallet, which you are willing to use for this tx
addrList = ['1dyRSCSJdRiPgGYNTSE31Lodvs3Peiiqx', \
# Send money to these three outputs (change will be added if/where necessary)
recipList =[('12V6i8PHhxyYWSEeYsXNr9kzwca1GrW5T8', long(0.2*ONE_BTC)), \
('14CDNme1pFJxLKitdSMqTNETPeLzs1V4RD', long(0.5*ONE_BTC)), \
('16GsZYhzJiv5BHTQaosrwpSpf9Unw3eLuC', long(1.1*ONE_BTC)) ]
# Works with or without a change address specified
#sendChangeTo = '151kQbcEdBDehW5gt3fahrHwfBBtEjSSAx'
sendChangeTo = None
# Remember, must specify amounts in SATOSHIs
print 'Creating Unsigned Transaction...'
txdp = createTxFromAddrList(wlt, addrList, recipList, 50000, sendChangeTo)
print 'Transaction created, now sign it...'
if wlt.useEncryption and wlt.isLocked:
passphrase = SecureBinaryData(getpass('Passphrase to unlock wallet: '))
print 'Signing transaction with wallet...'
print 'Transaction is fully signed?',
print txdp.checkTxHasEnoughSignatures(alsoVerify=True)
print 'Preparing final transaction...'
pytx = txdp.prepareFinalTx()
print '\nRaw transaction (pretty):'
print '\nRaw transaction (raw hex, copy into'
print binary_to_hex(pytx.serialize())
print '\nSigned transaction to be broadcast using Armory "offline transactions"...'
print txdp.serializeAscii()