Something incredible is happening with the price of a capp.
Very similar to the artificial manipulation of the price. Bidding goes only on hitbtc, and Deposit/Withdraw CAPP was not available
For an explanation of recent events HitBTC and Cappasity please see Link here: I believe it is simply not satisfactory to run away and spread a malicious and potentially damaging rumor being in possession of half the facts. In the light of Kosta's rebuttal (in blog press release) of HitBTC's action and press release. I believe HitBTC should be, at the least extremely embarrassed, and at the most, very concerned about there immature and dangerous behaviour, and its possible legal ramifications. If it looks like 'bullsh&t' and smells like bullsh&t - it typically is Bullsh&t.
What is not being spoken about enough, I believe, is the lack of care HitBTC showed to its won customers, those holding CAPP tokens. It appears these customers were given no consideration by their own exchange and if true this is simply unforgivable. What is also apparent, by reading the material in the public domain, is HiTBTC's, or its proxy's, willingness to damage the reputation of Kosta personally, and Cappasity generally, with no regard for all those (us) supporting Cappasity.