Online Hashes (theoretical): 24TH/s. Struggling at current 22TH/s in average due to maintenance and troubleshooting (mainly PSU and internal LAN hardware). We are fixing some bottleneck while bringing new hashpower online at the same time.
Shipped Blades: 278. The sales keeps a slow but steady pace.
Shipped USB Sticks: 530. A lot more in the following week.
We are using the same transaction policy of the official Bitcoin client's default behavior.
We also finalized the decision on making the next-gen (65/55nm) chips also fit in a USB powered device so that we could make Block Erupter USB II possible, instead of integrating too many cores into one big chip.
Was that 278 in the last week, or 278 including the 190-odd in the 3rd auction?
The 3rd auction turned out to not having 190 in total since some didn't pay till now.