43.077 BTC/GH (4393.846154 $/GH) @ 102$/BTC
Is that right???
Even projecting out to 200TH it's 1.4 BTC/GH (142.8 $/GH).
How did you come to that second number of 1.4 BTC/GH?
Sorry that you are not capable of 5th grade mathematics.
Current Hash Rate: 6500 GH (??)
number of shares: 400000
0.01625 GH/share
0.7 BTC/share
43.077 BTC/GH (4393.846154 $/GH) @ 102$/BTC
Is that right???
Even projecting out to 200TH it's 1.4 BTC/GH (142.8 $/GH).
Compared to:
Avalon ~ 1.17 BTC/GH
BFL ~ $20-22/GH (~ 0.2 BTC/GH)
100TH ~ 0.3 BTC/GH
Of course BFL and 100TH are not currently hashing yet. However, BFL might ship en mass in about 1 month. 100TH isn't projected to hash until July, so understandably they have a much lower valuation...in addition to the fact that they are much higher risk due to not having produced working hardware yet.
What other factors are you guys taking into account when trying to price ASICMINER shares? Shouldn't the value of shares drop off significantly over time as more and more players come into the market (assuming AM % of global hash rate goes down)? Personally, I'm expecting around 1PH/s total hash rate at year end with diff just under 150M.
flame on
disclaimer: I sold at 0.65.
Your calculations are right. But you miss the point that you actually have to OWN (either a share of e.g. ASICMINER or a mining device).
That is why the current price for an ASICMINER share is adequate (or probably pretty much undervalued imho).