So if we link the current price of 0,5$ to the current BTC price of 666$ we get a to-date sales price of 0.00075 BTC/G.
Using a factor of 0.9 for an average future price and retaining 1/3 for Gen4, I come to a gross-income per share of 0.06756757 BTC for the 60P.
Forget to ask FC will they change the chip price based on BTC price. It may sound silly, but I don't think the chip price is so flexible. That is a huge risk, because BTC price can be really crazy.
Maybe we can suggest a BTC buy/sell program where "X" amount of BTC is bought or sold each day to average prices and maintain a BTC to USD ratio.
We should ask FC how he plans to deal with the BTC price risk, you cannot collect a huge amount of cash and throw it in the BTC market, it would be a tragedy for us.