Well, that little chat between ThickasThieves and skinnkavaj should help bring the price down some more for those that were looking to buy up some cheap shares.
12:22:47 skinnkavaj:ThickAsThieves: Why did you leave ASICMINER?
12:23:53 ThickAsThieves:technically ditching the AM-PTs is what i did
12:24:10 ThickAsThieves:leaving the board was automatic once i no longer represented 5000 shares
12:24:20 skinnkavaj:But why? Didn't they make a you some money with 5% management fee?
12:24:26 ThickAsThieves:lol
12:24:36 ThickAsThieves:go add up those fees over the lifetime
12:25:06 skinnkavaj:ThickAsThieves: Do you no longer believe in a great future for Asicminer?
12:25:23 skinnkavaj:I love to buy stocks when everyone is selling them
12:25:30 ThickAsThieves:i do not believe in AM
12:25:36 ThickAsThieves:and consider it vastly overvalued
12:26:48 ThickAsThieves:blood in the steets is blood on your hands
12:26:53 ThickAsThieves:streets*
12:28:29 ThickAsThieves:here's how i see it
12:28:38 ThickAsThieves:(this is no investment advice)
12:28:48 ThickAsThieves:FC and the crew made millions on millions last year
12:29:02 mircea_popescu:notwithstanding that afaik friedcat was in no sense an engineer, just a pr for a team, and also afaik she said so mul;tiple times.
12:29:04 ThickAsThieves:then had to deal with pissant forum investors
12:29:07 ThickAsThieves:which got old
12:29:24 ThickAsThieves:so they probably began segmenting their business out of that situation
12:29:30 ThickAsThieves:which menifested in things like
12:29:33 ThickAsThieves:no Gen2
12:29:34 ThickAsThieves:Rockminer
12:29:40 ThickAsThieves:no communciation
12:29:42 ThickAsThieves:etc
12:30:31 skinnkavaj:ThickAsThieves: According to latest questions it seems that they are on track on delivering 102 petahash to the network in 3 months
12:30:47 ThickAsThieves:on track by what measure?
12:30:50 ThickAsThieves:words and dreams?
12:31:00 skinnkavaj:I don't see why they couldn't make better chips than before
12:31:18 mircea_popescu:ahgahaha. o you don't see do you ?
12:31:24 ThickAsThieves:ho can you not learn by now
12:31:30 ThickAsThieves:;;bcstats
12:31:32 gribble:Current Blocks: 300047 | Current Difficulty: 8.0008721359681635E9 | Next Difficulty At Block: 300383 | Next Difficulty In: 336 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 day, 22 hours, 20 minutes, and 41 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 8840307102.91 | Estimated Percent Change: 10.49179
12:33:31 skinnkavaj:I want to hear what ThickAsThieves has to say
12:33:45 skinnkavaj:Why do you not think the could manage to produce a 3gen chip
12:33:52 skinnkavaj:They clearly have the competence
12:34:08 skinnkavaj:Its just a matter of time
12:34:11 ThickAsThieves:it's not that i dont think they "might" make gen3 or whatever
12:34:24 ThickAsThieves:it's that i dont see how owning stock would be worth it even if they did
12:34:51 skinnkavaj:ThickAsThieves: Why couldn't it be successfull?
12:35:05 ThickAsThieves:math
12:35:11 skinnkavaj:ThickAsThieves: Why couldn't it be worth it?
12:35:17 ThickAsThieves:economy
12:35:21 skinnkavaj:If they once again produce the best chips on the market
12:35:37 skinnkavaj:It will be worth it
12:35:49 ThickAsThieves:isnt this batch already barely on par with the market?
12:36:06 skinnkavaj:If they successfully manage to keep their promises now
12:36:17 ThickAsThieves:do you realize how long it's been since AM actually released something new?
12:36:17 skinnkavaj:Delivering 102 petahash over the next 3 months
12:36:19 mircea_popescu:more's the point, if they doi produce the best batch on the market again, why would they want to split the proceeds with you ?
12:36:24 skinnkavaj:I think they have a good chance of 20% of the network
12:36:25 mircea_popescu:what could you possibly offer them that'd make them care.
12:36:34 ThickAsThieves:they wont split proceeds
12:36:38 ThickAsThieves:thats why Rockminer exists
12:36:46 ThickAsThieves:and why Gen2 probly existed
12:37:42 ThickAsThieves:all the board cares about is their own franchises, which are all going into the red right about now
12:38:03 skinnkavaj:ThickAsThieves: "all the board cares about is their own franchises" Like what franchises?
12:38:04 ThickAsThieves:so you are crossing your fingers that some mystery men in china give a fuck about shareholders
12:38:13 skinnkavaj:ThickAsThieves: They did before?
12:38:18 ThickAsThieves:they measured how much fuck they should give with the Rockminer IPO
12:38:26 skinnkavaj:Why would you assume friedcat is dishonest now?
12:38:27 skinnkavaj:Suddenly
12:38:50 skinnkavaj:ThickAsThieves: Do you think Rockminer is a better investment if so?
12:38:55 ThickAsThieves:well dishonesty is a different demon in china
12:39:03 ThickAsThieves:you measure it differently
12:39:15 ThickAsThieves:and whats so sudden
12:39:32 ThickAsThieves:AM hasnt made new shit for like a year
12:39:45 ThickAsThieves:their farm maxed at like 25TH or some shit
12:40:06 skinnkavaj:They told that Rockminer would have to buy chips from Asicminer at the same price as everyone else
12:40:27 ThickAsThieves:...
12:40:44 skinnkavaj:So far I fail to see why Asicminer suddenly has become corrupt/dishonest
12:41:13 ThickAsThieves:skinnkavaj
12:41:21 ThickAsThieves:pretend Rockminer IS Asicminer
12:41:29 ThickAsThieves:and ask how Asicminer might profit
12:41:53 ThickAsThieves:then
12:41:57 skinnkavaj:They sell chips?
12:41:58 ThickAsThieves:pretend you arent pretending
12:42:01 skinnkavaj:They could have split up
12:42:07 skinnkavaj:Asicminer produces only chips
12:42:14 skinnkavaj:Rockminer produces something else
12:42:17 skinnkavaj:Is my understanding
12:42:19 skinnkavaj:I may be wrong
12:42:23 ThickAsThieves:you may
12:43:08 skinnkavaj:ThickAsThieves: So in that case, do you think Rockminer is a better investment than Asicminer? yes/no?
12:43:18 ThickAsThieves:fucking hell man
12:43:23 gribble:The answer is a resounding no.
12:43:27 ThickAsThieves:there.
12:43:41 skinnkavaj:Yes/no?
12:43:45 skinnkavaj:I dont follow you..
12:43:58 fluffypony:skinnkavaj: read what gribble said
12:43:59 fluffypony:"[14:43:24] +gribble: The answer is a resounding no."
12:44:17 assbot:Last 12 lines bashed and pending review. (
12:44:17 ThickAsThieves:!b 12
12:44:17 mircea_popescu:fluffypony he doesn't see why gribble should have said that.
12:44:27 mircea_popescu:he further does not see why what gribble says should be controlling.
12:44:38 skinnkavaj:I have ignored Gribble
12:44:41 ThickAsThieves:[08:21]
I hate to use Gribble
12:44:41 skinnkavaj:But ok
12:44:43 skinnkavaj:So both are shit
12:44:47 skinnkavaj:ASicminer and rockminer
12:44:50 skinnkavaj:In your opinion
12:45:06 fluffypony:skinnkavaj: gribble's magic 8ball says both are shit
12:45:32 fluffypony:skinnkavaj: you can also use this for investment advice: http://www.ask8ball.net
12:46:42 ThickAsThieves:https://i.imgur.com/7HVDhQk.jpg
12:48:22 fluffypony:lol ThickAsThieves
12:48:26 skinnkavaj:Would really like to have more dicussions
12:48:32 skinnkavaj:About the companies
12:48:36 skinnkavaj:Thats why I am in this channel
12:48:39 fluffypony:skinnkavaj: discussion is fine
12:48:51 fluffypony:asking someone for their opinion on a specific issue is fine
12:48:58 fluffypony:but yes/no investment advice is nonsensical
12:50:11 skinnkavaj:ThickAsThieves: Do you have more information from ASicminer board meetings or are you not allowed of copy pasting that?
12:50:28 ThickAsThieves:skinnkavaj, if you just lurk here for a few mos, you'll be miles ahead of the forum
12:50:36 ThickAsThieves:you dont even need to talk
12:51:11 ThickAsThieves:there's nothing much worth sharing from the board meetings